Happy Valentine’s Day!

My dear brothers, sisters and friends,

Is there anything in this world as beautiful as love? Try to find and tell me and I will agree. I bet you wouldn’t find any that can touch a soul and inspire a life the way love does. No one in this world can walk out of its spell and it can never be premeditated nor can it be bought or sought by force. It just happens. I have seen it for real, you would’ve seen it for real, felt it for sure and would have appreciated it for what it is. Let us walk through the various stages of love here.

Happy Valentine’s Day [Feb 14]

Sometimes it happens at first sight and some other time it just spreads inside you like paint thrown on the wall. It is rather slippery at first, don’t know if it will stick, but when it does it is the identity of the wall. That is what love will make of you. It will give you an identity if you hadn’t accomplished one by then and it would make you a new one if you already possess one.

It is all good though. Love doesn’t cheat. It doesn’t change one bad. Do not for a moment stop yourself from feeling this beautiful emotion. And on this day when Cupid celebrates its special day, I wish you all and your loved ones a Very Happy Valentine’s Day!

Family [Feb 14]

Love isn’t restricted to just your soul mate or your partner for life, but it also yourfamily. If love had a source, it has to be from your parents and/or your siblings. It has to be from there. These are the people who shower unconditional love and that is what makes you familiar with the emotion itself. Respect that. Give them your time on this day, that is all that they will seek. They wouldn’t ask though. I will give you a better idea. Why don’t you just let them know how much you love them by sending a greeting card or two in advance, pick up the phone and tell them that you are coming over on that day for a while. It will make their day and believe me, yours too.

I Love You [Feb 14]

Do you know three magical words that can change a life upside down? I am sure you know. It is ‘I Love You’.

No three words have the magic that these three hold. Once said, it changes a life for good. It makes one feel loved, wanted and confident. It is the most beautiful moment in anyone’s life when the person he or she loves happen to say these words for the first time. The beauty is, the magic never ends. Whenever these words are spoken the love is rekindled.

Say it in a whisper on Valentine’s Day to your beloved.

Friends [Feb 14]

Love is not complete without a friend to share it. After family it is friends that one can look up to for love. And you will get it. They are no blood relation, but God given family. Such souls need a good word or two and a big hug on this day.

Make time for them just as I have made time for you. You guys change my world week on week.

Here’s from a friend to another friend, a very Happy Valentine’s Day!

Take care,

Editor Bob

Valentine’s Day 2016 [Feb 14]

Send Family Greetings!
Send Family Greetings!

Valentine’s Day 2016 [Feb 14]

Send I Love You Greetings!
Send I Love You Greetings!

Valentine’s Day 2016 [Feb 14]

Send Friends Greetings!
Send Friends Greetings!
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