Thoughts on International Women’s Day – IV

Send International Women's Day EcardsIn the fourth and the final installment of guest posts by my women friends, Irina is writing for us today. Irina may go around saying and doing things that make her come across like a scatter-brain (she gave herself that tag!), but she’s certainly not that. I have always noted a keen intelligence in her. She’s really done things when she put her heart to it. Irina…

Hey there!
Bob may try hard to prove I’m all this and that, but that’s just him! Don’t you give it another thought! What’s the point in getting all worked up and stressed when life is all about a few years? I have always told myself, live and let live. I try not to be worried. It’s difficult sometimes, but once you get into the habit, it won’t come off as an effort that you have to give. It gets into your system.

To me, International Women’s Day is all about celebrating the freedom of being able to do something you want to do. I have never really thought about it, but now that I’m writing this to you, I must say I’m unanimous with the UN Mandate. Violence against women and girls is something that’s still very rampant. If we just lift the veil a bit, we can all see its cruel face. If we can do something, we should all contribute in our own little way. All our voices will make a roar that is loud enough.

I guess I have run out of steam now! Happy International Women’s Day to all of you!

Have fun!

This is Bob. That was the toughest guest, hands down! I had to keep pushing her to complete that! Anyway, I think she did a fine job. The idea was to make her write what International Women’s Day means to her, and I think she did that wonderfully well. What do you say?

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