Day 5: How To Tackle Goals.

Remember: One step in front of the other and you can achieve it all. – Editor Bob

There exist two types of goals, short-term and long term. Goals such as cleaning out out a closet/ office are short term cause they can be achieved quickly. On the other hand, long-term goals such as learning a new skill or language tend to take more than a couple of months. Here’s how to tackle our goals.

For instance, mastering a new language is an intimidating task. While doing so would it be feasible to jump straight to attempting a conversation? No. Instead, it would be wise to begin and practice the basics such as alphabets, followed by words, grammar and then sentences. This process eventually leads to conversations.

This principle can be applied universally. Break down a goal into smaller, more manageable steps, making it easier to face. Plan your day in the morning and allocate time for each activity. Complete the tasks that are most important and intimidating first. This takes away the stress from the day. Prioritize the tasks which yield maximum results. Try and delegate or eliminate tasks which do not need your direct involvement. Cluttering your mind with too much will drain your productive energy. As you go along, set your self completely to each task daily, and it won’t seem overwhelming.

Click here to read about the 21 day journey towards simplifying life.

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Stuffed With Love.


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