How to Choose Engagement Diamonds

Send Valentine's Day EcardsSince Kaitlin agreed to move in Rick’s been thinking of popping the big question. So he’s been doing a bit of “diamond shopping” and guess who he calls up for it? Yes me! As if I’m the ladies man or the romance expert. I’m still trying to figure out my love life! And it surely does not help when friends call up asking such questions! But, anything for friends, right?!

But, that anything can be a a lot when it is Rick you are trying to counsel. He has his own ideas about shopping and beauty and if he’s not stopped from buying on his own, Kaitlin will surely flare up to see the stuff he’ll buy! He believes anything expensive has to be big, and that is true value for money! He wanted to buy a diamond ring that was expensive, but not classy. It was big, but not beautiful. I tried telling him that women look for sleek, classy rings and it’s not necessary that the value of the ring reflects on the size of the diamond.

I also asked him to think what Kaitlin likes and dislikes when she chooses a ring. Does she like simple designs or intricate ones? He couldn’t remember and asked me for some time to think about it! I gave up and tried not to think about it anymore. Megan called me later and told me that Rick called her as well. Same questions. Megan sounded exasperated. Do you have any advise that you want to pass onto our macho-man who’s probably going to propose to Kaitlin this Valentine’s Day? Yeah, that’s how things are shaping up. Stay tuned to my newsletter as well.

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