Michelle Obama And The Queen

Send Everyday EcardsThe world media is abuzz with this act. Michelle Obama made headlines at the G20 summit, but not really for the reason a G20 summit is held. When she met the Queen Elizabeth II, the two women embraced briefly. Now this has set off the protocol pundits on a mad spree, making speculations and critical comments about this gesture. They are of the opinion that there has been a breach in the protocol that surrounds the royal Buckingham Palace. The Queen should not have been embraced, is what they say! When my roommate Adrian heard of this hullabaloo, he had a hearty laugh about it!

I think too much is being made of an incident that is not worth the newsreels and airtime the even is occupying. I wonder if media-persons have run out of ideas to focus on. Because of the focus being on the Michelle Obama-Queen embrace, there’s a shift in the attention from the more important discussions that happened at the G20 summit. If the media gets lambasted for sensationalizing issues, it’s for coverages like these. Some are taking it as an offense, some see it as a nice way improvised by the Queen to reach out to a guest. How do you see it?

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