Obama Connects With Cuba

Send Stay In Touch EcardsThe call came in early morning. It was ringing for some time because I couldn’t find my phone beneath the rubble of paper that lay heaped in my room. When I finally dug it out, I saw it was Fred. He has not been keeping well lately, as you know from my newsletters. So I feared the worst. But his voice assured me that it wasn’t bad news. In fact, he sounded thrilled. “Have you heard the news Bob?” he boomed over the phone.

I was not sure which news he was referring to. My head was groggy and a New Yorker without coffee is not someone you want to deal with! He didn’t wait for an answer. “The White House announced that Obama has decided to lift restrictions on the Cuban Americans!” He went on to say hurriedly how it will help Cuban Americans to connect with their folks back home.

Fred disconnected the phone because he wanted to talk to his friends about it. I thought about it more clearly. I checked up on the news. This could be a historical decision, don’t you think? Do you think that despite being an issue concerning the Cuban Americans, it has more to do with touching base with your folks back home? Write in.

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