Bobby Boy Is Back

She’s The Best !

Dear 123Greetings subscriber,

It’s been a pretty exciting time around here, friends ! Lemme give you an idea… if you try to add even an ounce of excitement to my life today, I’d simply go pop, cackle ‘n bang ! Surprised ? Well, if you nearly rode to your death merely with the tap of a finger, had a couple of mad dogs barking on your terrace all day ‘n then had to attend secret meetings in office on top of all that, you’d be exhausted too ! Come take a peek…

Christmas In July
  Christmas In July [July]

Kate simply needs an excuse to go shopping, so she’s the one who’s most excited about Christmas In July. Steve, too busy to take his eyes off his newly acquired iPhone, simply brushed aside Kate’s offer of accompanying her to Macy’s. Not surprising, since anybody who goes shopping with Kate invariably gets lost under a pile of heavy packages pretty soon ! I tiptoed out before she could latch on to me, her favorite guinea pig on such excursions ! Megan ‘n Kelly, of course, are backing Kate to the hilt ! “Whatever they can do Down Under, we can do better !” That’s their philosophy ! Girls, I tell you !!! Anyway, good ol’ Kelly has taken responsibilities for all the foodie-goodies for the whole gang ‘n Megan’s in charge of the decorations. Well, when the girls gang together, you better fall in line ! ‘N when there’s the promise of so much tasty food, how can I say “No” ? Even Kong ‘n Pirate have gone crazy, taking turns jumping ‘n yapping on the terrace all day ! Rick figures that it’s the smell of chocolate that makes them crazy. But I have a sneaking suspicion that they’re just giving a wake-up call to poor ol’ Santa !


Well, that’s all for now, guys ! I think I’ll take a long nap now ‘n get all that excitement out of my system. Know what, I really wouldn’t mind if you sent me a couple of peppy messages on this Cheer up Day to get poor ol’ Bob going again ! Wouldntcha ?!
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Editor, 123Greetings

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