It Was Worth The Wait! January 25, 2024Editor Bob Comment Last evening Adrian, Steve and I met for dinner at a new joint that has become the talk of the town. We had ...more
Blending The Different Shades To Have A Magical Life January 18, 2024Editor Bob Comment Last evening, when I was enjoying coffee and chocolate cake with Aaliyah after getting back, the doorbell rang. It was May! “Hey! Come ...more
A Blissful Me Time Is My Therapy! January 10, 2024Editor Bob Comment The soft chime of the doorbell echoed as I stepped inside the neighborhood cafe. A familiar blend of rich coffee aromas and the ...more
Four Ways To Face And Overcome Uncertainty January 3, 2024Editor Bob Comment Two days back when I was watering the January flowers which were blooming beautifully, the doorbell rang. We were not expecting anyone so ...more
A Beautiful Winter Evening! December 27, 2023Editor Bob Comment The sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the iconic skyline of Manhattan. The air is chilly and people ...more
Three Ways To Stick To New Year’s Resolutions December 21, 2023Editor Bob Comment It’s a fresh new start for everyone and that means everyone is kicked about their New Year’s resolution. So am I! However, I ...more
New Hopes With The Same Old Ones! December 14, 2023Editor Bob Comment It’s that time of the year when we all look forward to new beginnings and hope. Yes, in just about a few days, ...more
It’s Always Cozy With Our Loved Ones! December 7, 2023Editor Bob Comment The much awaited time of the year is here. With Christmas being round the corner, NYC is all decked up. New Yorkers are ...more
Three Ways To Keep The Bond Strong November 28, 2023Editor Bob Comment The start of holidays is incomplete without our friends! Both May and Adrian were supposed to join us for breakfast and then together ...more
The Magic Thrives In The Most Unexpected Places November 22, 2023Editor Bob Comment It’s that time of the year when we light the menorah of hope! Yes, Hanukkah is here! I was looking at the invite ...more