Happy Thanksgiving And Recipes Of Love!

While sending out my Thanksgiving wishes, I couldn’t help but glance at the recipes Aaliyah is bookmarking. Oh, the spread to look forward to

She’s got lined up a maple-glazed Thanksgiving turkey, cranberry sauce, two-potato gratin, a pear and arugula salad, fruit crumble and spiced-apple iced tea!

Now, I’m not a whiz in the kitchen, so boy am I grateful Aaliyah loves cooking. There is one recipe I’m good at though, and it’s the recipe of love. When I was small, regardless of how much food we had, Dad would pack one or two servings of our Thanksgiving dinner spread to give to the homeless.

This is a Thanksgiving tradition I proudly continue to this day. So, as we sit to enjoy our delicious Thanksgiving dinner, let’s remember the most important recipe of love. It’s as simple as donating a meal to the less fortunate, or as thoughtful as showing your love with a Thanksgiving online card.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving 2013!

Thanksgiving Dinner

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