Say No To Say Yes To Well-Being

The other day, after coming from the office, I slumped onto the couch, craving refreshing cup of lemon juice. Just as I was about to go and make it, Rachel, my niece, barged in, her usually bright eyes clouded with worry.

“Uncle Bob,” she flopped down next to me, “I need your help.”

Now, seeing Rachel so downcast immediately perked me up. “Whoa there, sunshine,” I said, scooting over to make space for her. “I am always there, dear. Tell me?”

She sighed, “I don’t know but lately I am feeling extremely overwhelmed. My friends asked me to help them with homework, even though I have a ton of my own. My neighbor wants me to walk her dog every single day after school, and even though I love Max, it cuts into my practice time for the school play.”

“So, you’re feeling overwhelmed because you’re spreading yourself too thin, trying to make everyone happy?”

She nodded vigorously, her hair bouncing with her head. “Exactly! I just want everyone to like me, Uncle Bob. But it feels like I’m drowning.”

“Listen, Rach,” I said smiling gently, “being kind and helpful is a wonderful quality. But here’s the thing, sweetheart, you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

She looked up curiously, “What do you mean?”

“Imagine your heart is a cup filled with love and kindness,” I explained. “The more you give to others, the emptier the cup becomes. If you keep saying yes to everything, there won’t be any love left for yourself. And trust me, a happy Rachel is a Rachel everyone will love.”

A slow smile spread across her face. “So, it’s okay to say no sometimes?”

“Absolutely!” I declared. “In fact, it’s not just okay, it’s important. Learning to set boundaries is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows you respect yourself and your time.”

“You’re right, Uncle Bob! I will keep in mind, thank you Uncle Bob! Now, let’s make some refreshing lemonade!” Rachel said with a smile. I smiled and we headed to the kitchen.

Sometimes when life gives you countless tasks and endless commitments, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But it is during these times, the most beautiful word you can say is “no.” The beauty about this is that it not only helps you keep your light burning for everyone who truly matter but also helps take care of the most important person in your life –  you! So, it’s okay to say no sometimes, so that you can say yes to yourself!

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