The Bright Flowers In The Bouquet Of Life

The clinking of glasses and the buzz of conversation filled the air as I squeezed into the corner booth at our favorite bar. Unfortunately, Meghan got swamped at work and couldn’t make it last minute but Adrian with a warm smile, was already there. It was Friendship Day, a time for our annual get-together.

As we headed towards the bar, we ran into Jack, an old acquaintance of ours. We chatted for a while and Jack said, “I really admire how you all have stayed connected over the years despite your busy schedules. What do you think keeps your friendship strong?”

Both Adrian and I smiled. Adrian pointed at me to begin. I said,

We keep communication open: We talk! We don’t bottle up! Take Adrian for instance, if something is bothering him, he would tell us. I think that sharing every little win or loss with each other helps stay connected.

We don’t keep high expectations: We don’t expect grand gestures and understand constant hangouts aren’t always feasible. We just try to catch on through quick messages, funny memes, or virtual check-ins.

We’ve accepted we aren’t young anymore: We’re not in our 20s and we realize that friendships evolve along the way. We all accept that things are different now and that’s okay!

Adrian jumped in, “We forgive ourselves and each other: We’re all about forgiveness and understanding here. No hard feelings if plans fall through or life gets in the way. We get it, and we’ll catch up with Megan later over a fun video call!”

I nodded enthusiastically and added, “Above all, we know what truly matters: We’re all about those heart-to-heart chats and silly moments that keep us tight-knit! We make sure to stay connected!”

A smile spread across Jack’s face as he said, “That’s really great! Thank you for sharing, guys. I hope I can follow these in my life too!” We chatted for a while, delving into our lives, before Jack had to bid us farewell. We exchanged goodbyes as he made his way outside.

It was just Adrian and me, engaged in conversation when suddenly, the door swung open, and a familiar figure walked in. “Surprise!” Meghan announced, holding a bouquet of vibrant August flowers.

Our excitement was palpable. Adrian pulled us into a group hug, and soon, laughter and friendly banter filled the air, bringing us to fits of laughter.

In that moment, I recalled my earlier conversation with Jack. Despite our differing paths in life, the connection between the three of us remained steadfast. It wasn’t about big actions or frequent get-togethers but about treasuring the moments we shared, the memories we created, and the unwavering support we offered one another.

This Friendship Day, let’s cherish such special friends. They’re like the bright flowers in our lives, adding color and joy!

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