Valentine’s Day, Heart To Heart, Friendly Hug

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Are you feeling the convenience of the Birthday Reminder Service? While that makes life easier, read what Adrian is doing this Valentine’s Day, what a hearty connection is and how a hug can settle scores. Jump in…

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Be My Valentine [Feb 14]

The big day for Adrian is finally here! Readers of my newsletters would know that Adrian is all set to propose Cathy this Valentine’s Day. As we inch closer to the day, Adrian is having those anxiety pangs that visit you before you go in to do something that will change your life forever. Every lover wants to pop the question in a way that’s new, fresh and unique. And in that scramble, almost every trick in the book is now done to death! Adrian is faced with the challenge to dig out that never-done-before proposal. He’s knocked everyone on his ecard dashboard for ideas.

There are some choices on Adrian’s table. “I don’t want the usual dinner proposal,” Adrian said, “I want it to be something that doesn’t look like it’s headed that way!” In his attempt to make Cathy feel that it’s going to be a typical Valentine’s Day evening, Adrian has planned tickets to watch a live music show together and then take it from there on. “Spontaneity is the key!” he explained. Adrian is not really a creative artist when it comes to expressing his love for Cathy. But it’s heartening to find that he’s making an effort to do something that will freeze this moment for the rest of their lives.

Heart To Heart [Feb 14]

Once a connection has been established between two hearts, it is very difficult to rip it apart. It could be that the two of you fight every time you try to rebuild the bridge. It could be that there are just too many irreconcilable differences between the two. But when it comes to being there for each other, you always find that special person walking along with you. Whenever you falter or find yourself lonely, your love is right there to hold you and put you back on track.

Sarah and I have that sort of a connection. It is true that we know in our hearts that we cannot be together. Sarah has accepted it better than I have. But as V-Day comes rolling, I cannot help but feel those familiar tugs of the heart. Of late, our relationship has become more of a friendship that shows enough promise to last a lifetime. Who knows, maybe some time down the line we will be able to relive those magical days again! As they say, “Never say never!”

For those who are lucky this year, you can send out online invitations for a Valentine’s Day party! Make sure that you’re aware of how many would show up and arrange accordingly. Track RSVPs for better results.

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Hug Your Friend [Feb 14]

There was a sort of showdown in our living room the other evening. Steve had come over for a drink. He was stressed out because of his deadlines and also because he is without a date this Valentine’s Day. He was venting out how life can be really miserable at times while watching an old NFL game on TV. Suddenly Irina burst into the scene. As always, she was breathless with something to say. No one was in any particular doubt that whatever it was, it could wait.

Except for Irina, of course! She stood right in front of the TV and started speaking animatedly. Steve was doubly hit: his rant was cut out and his view of the TV was obstructed. He motioned for Irina to step aside, but she was too busy yapping. Steve stood up and gently nudged Irina out of the way. Irina was stunned. I tried to calm her and said that Steve was stressed. Irina softened and gave Steve a big hug! I think that did more to cure Steve’s bad bout than all our counselling.

Surfing At Work

Is it true that the amount of resources every office spends to block certain websites are actually a waste? Ryan would certainly want us to believe that! He’s come across some university survey that says that a little visit to a social networking site at times actually boosts your productivity at work. The logic is that it provides a sort of a “mini-break” from work. “So, the point is,” Ryan said, “When you’re back at your work tab, you’re doing so with a fresh mind!”

I don’t know what the boss has to say to it! Donna, the HR manager in the office, was not entirely disapproving of the idea. “It’s true that you need small breaks,” Donna conceded, “But it’s truer that these small breaks often extend into larger unproductive pockets!” Ryan couldn’t help but agree with Donna. I’m not sure if a new directive will be issued to this effect, more because of Ryan’s reputation than anything else, but he certainly got some brownie points from his colleagues for holding up their cause! No wonder he’s so popular despite being eccentric.

This Valentine’s Day quote is for all you lovers out there: John Lennon says, “Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.”

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Editor, 123Greetings

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