Time To Prepare For The Holidays!

Send Flower Cards!Are you ready?

The big days are almost here. Good mornings will give way to festival greetings. License to have fun will start within a few days. And I hope you are ready.

Being ready is to make sure you have enough stamina and a lot of savings or at least some savings. There is a need of dough to burn through the holidays and reserve in stamina and good immunity to get through those drinking and dinner binges. You got to be fit and your wallet got to be at least half full.

Need to remember the aunt and uncle names and addresses, family gatherings are in schedule and you don’t want to look like a deer on a highway facing bright lights of a speeding car. You need to know the names and you need to know who is who in your family. It helps to save some embarrassment.

Gifts. Be ready. There are a lot of tiny tots whom you may not even remember, but they remember you because you are one of those people in their list from whom they expect presents. And then there are your loved ones. And then there is the love of your life. That gift has to be extra special… Mother of all gifts. Have you saved up for it?

Greeting cards. Yes, the easiest of the lot. Free and easy. All you have to do is to make sure to pre-select the cards and pre-select the dates on when they should be delivered and relax. If nothing else works for you. This one really will. Be it that you send your festival wishes to your friends or colleagues, , this option will work like a charm.

All said, be aware of your duties and remember, festivities are all not just about fun, but about fun that is inclusive. Care, share and have fun.

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