Analyzing Handwriting

Send Love EcardsHandwriting analysis can be a great way to find out more about your love. If there are some personality traits that you want to figure out, study the handwriting of the person you love. Ask your partner to write something on a white piece of paper with a margin. When your partner has written a page, it’s ready for you to analyze it. The first pointer is the margin. If the margin is wide, it indicates a generous nature. This person has a wide outlook to life. If the margin is narrow, it’s more likely that the person is particularly conscious about spending money.

Now observe the capital letters as compared to the smaller ones. If the capital letters are double the size, it indicates respect and esteem. If they are of equal size, the person lacks the required amount of love and respect. If the person begins writing the capital letters with frills, it generally denotes the person likes to procrastinate and delay given tasks. If the letters have a sense of immediacy, it means the person likes to get work off the block as soon as he can.

Another indicator is the vowel ‘o’. If the ‘o’s in the writing piece are open, it indicates the person is open-hearted. Closed, knotted ‘o’s mean the reverse. If you find that at a particular paragraph the ‘o’s are more knotted than usual, it’s an indicator that the person is either not comfortable talking about the topic or is lying. If the writing is leaning on the right, you can conclude that the person is expressive. If the writing leans on the left, the person likes to hold things back.

Try these to analyze the handwriting of your significant O. These may just give you the clue to figuring out something you have wondering all along. I’d like to know if these help you.

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