Be Thankful On Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving celebrations can be dated all the way back to the 1620’s when settlers first made the journey to Plymouth, that’s how the story goes anyway. However, it wasn’t proclaimed nation-wide as a holiday until our first president George Washington declared it so on November 26 1789. This holiday has always been a day in history where we are thankful for the past years harvest and celebrate with a feast. That part of the Thanksgiving tradition has never changed. So, because the original date was never set in stone, its celebrations varied from state to state until the late 19th century. In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed that Thanksgiving be celebrated on the last Thursday of November for every state.

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This changed again in 1941 when President Roosevelt amended the national holiday to be commemorated on every fourth Thursday in November. His reasoning for the change came down to what he believed would be an economic boost for the country. I can only imagine that shortly after is when we invented Black Friday.

Now, don’t get me wrong, for I am all for economic boost, but I chose to stay indoors on this day, for fear of the shopping madness that occurs. I’m more of a cyber Monday kind of guy; I enjoy the peace and quiet of finding great sales from the safety of my computer.

On Thanksgiving I’ll be feasting on glorious turkey and stuffing as everyone else should also be doing. Be grateful, be cheerful and don’t forget to be thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

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