Day 18: For Every Setback, There Is A New Comeback!

“When the mind’s free, The Body’s delicate.” – William Shakespeare

I felt the weight of the world over me. Was it really the world or just my mind that burdened me? I was sitting in a cafeteria outside my office, my eyes drooping downwards, my face as pale as a ghost and my lips, flaky and dry. Stress causing physical manifestation. There and then, I had an outburst. Occupying the corner table in the cafeteria, which thankfully didn’t have many people, I cried my heart out. Everything was a blur. I remember a hand on my back, I remember someone offering me tissues. I managed a meek thank you. Tears were uncontrollable, never-ending. All my failures were staring me in the face and suddenly my mind was weaving a story of self-pity. And then came a voice roaring at me from within my gut, “Stop it!”

I had to get a grip on myself. So, I decided to declutter my mind and purge all the negativity away. I won’t let the defeat play back. I can’t live looking at the rear view mirror. I need to progress. What’s there is there and what’s not there isn’t. Bury the past disappointments, drop the baggage of remorse, resentment and hopelessness. There is beauty in the ashes. Leave the negativity there, don’t be tempted to pick it up again. Surrender and let it go to the higher force.

Send Inspirational Card!
Believe In Yourself And Be Unstoppable.

Pause And Breathe!

I decided to work on myself and it worked. I ordered a cup of Brazilian Latte. While I was waiting for my coffee, I paused, inhaled deeply and exhaled through my mouth. It was a good way to calm myself and break the pattern of thoughts spiraling in my mind.


My coffee arrived, the aroma was comforting. I sipped the coffee mindfully, completely bringing my mind in the now. It kept drifting away and I kept bringing it back, feeling the warmth of the coffee. I was feeling the lightness in my body. I was more aware of the surrounding around me. I could filter my own thoughts and get rid of the judgments.

Let The Past Go!

I filtered out all the old stories which my mind kept repeating, everything that has gone by and everything that I have gone through. I reminded myself to drop it and only keep my focus on the lessons these rough conditions deposited within me. I decided to be powerful instead of pitiful. I chose to not be a prisoner of my past.

For Every Setback There’s a New Comeback!

I practiced visualization and filled myself with dreams and hopes. I reminded myself of the trust I have in God and my prayers. I believe in angels. I know a grand plan is out there waiting for me. Breakthroughs are coming, better is coming.

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Unlimited Smiles!

Walk In Nature!

I felt a shift, my body felt better. The moment I stopped thinking and talking about the failures, I felt easy. My vibes changed. I paid for the coffee and noticed the warm smile of the waiter. I walked outside amongst the flowers, enjoying the fragrance and the autumn breeze. Nature heals. Walk mindfully. Your chattering mind, your emotional lows will all be vacuumed away. I could listen to the silence. I could let everything go, it was a freeing experience.


I entered my office, my colleagues greeted me warmly. I was conscious because I felt my face will give away the misery I was in, my eyes were swollen. But no one seemed to notice anything. I felt the magic of dropping the baggage. It changes your vibrational escrow. I sat at my desk and started journaling, so I could share with my readers, with you all, what our beliefs can do and that the biggest foe, mind, can also be the best friend we have. Journaling also is the best way to reflect, anchor your lessons within you, program your mind and create new and positive neural pathways.

Send a Thank You Card!
Thank You For Being My Sunshine.

Turn it over to God and stop probing your wounds. Don’t hold on to things, quit looking at your past, let yourself look forward with positivity. Drop hurt, disappointments and unfulfilled wishes. Let go and let God.

Cheers! See you in the comments!

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