Do Give… Something!

We pay our bills and we pay our taxes. We pore through the accounts and curse the IRS. We believe there is infinite number of fortunate people in this world and why should you be coughing up so much of your income.

You may be right or you may be wrong. It’s one’s perspective really.

Look a bit at reality though. Have you ever thought of the infinite number of unfortunate people in this world for a moment?

Orphaned children are pitied true. 15 years or so later you look at them as criminals and more if they are not taken care of and guided right. Sympathy is not enough; maybe a step towards their betterment is the need of the hour.

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Yes, you have to part with a bit of dough, but it works wonders for a life of a child. And the satisfaction you get out of it can never be equated with late night parties.

There are aged veterans and civilians who have seen life and are no more in their prime in terms of physical strength or bank balance and are too proud to ask.

Have you noticed them? You may have. Or you never thought such people existed.

They do exist and they need your help. Time to give.

It is not always about the money though.

Sometimes a terminal-care patient, a cute kid, who is counting his or her days, needs just a visitor. A friendly face to talk to. A pleasant face that smiles. A kind word that perks up. A bunch of flowers that brightens the day and maybe a hug that is heartfelt.

These are things that you can give.

Even Santa Claus happens to come around only once a year. You don’t need a costume to be a Santa Claus.

If you give… You are one!

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