Good Morning, America!

Send Everyday CardsWhen you want something badly and genuinely feel for it, you will definitely get that within your sights. Lesson I learnt some time back. I don’t know if you have, but I have and it felt great. I will tell you of an incident that happened a while ago.

I had discovered jogging, right after I found my waist line showing signs of peeking out. I had got two of my favorite scapegoats to accompany me on the ordeal for a morning jog – Steve and my pet and friend for all seasons, Kong. The journey that started with Steve and Kong had grown in number and now Steve, Ron, Kate, Megan, Kong, and Mr. Bradley in tow; we almost looked like a procession. You know, sometimes when you’re in a crowd and having a good time, there is a sudden sinking feeling. You just can’t put a finger on what and why, but there for a moment you miss a heartbeat. It’s premonition I guess… With no rhyme or reason, I just jerked my head back and she was there!

Fairly jogging and almost running, Aaliyah, was trying to catch up!

I smiled.

Everybody gave their feet a rest and came to a standstill, following me stare. One by one started towards her and then there were hugs and back pats. She was greeting one and all, and moved past everybody with a quick hug and simple peck on the cheek. Finally, reached me and walked by my side.

“Good Morning” is all she said.

When you search for a needle in the dark, you are almost blinded and you think you lost it, but then when you catch the spark of its glint, you smile a winning smile. Well, out of the corner of my eye, I could see her squint far and beyond and casually rub her eyes so that she can have a look at her side… ME!

Caught her staring! Need I say more?! We smiled instantly together.

Now for the moment of Zen: a set of qualities don’t make a girl yours, but one outstanding quality!

Have a great day!

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