Happy Easter and Kaló Páscha!

This year is pretty special, as Western Easter and Orthodox Easter fall on exactly the same day (20th of April)! We’ve also got Good Friday just before that, so plenty of reasons to take a couple of days off work and celebrate.

I remember when I was a little kid, Easter was such an exciting time of year for me. My parents and I would attend the church services and when I got home I’d be sent on an Easter egg hunt. I was adamant that it truly was the Easter Bunny hiding lots of little chocolate eggs in my house – Although I never worked out how he got in! Now, Easter is even more important to me because it’s such a far-reaching religious festival.

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Good Friday remembers the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Easter Sunday is to celebrate his resurrection.

Orthodox Easter also falls on the same day this year, which is pretty exciting. Do you know why there are normally two different dates for these Easter celebrations? Well, Orthodox Easter is determined by the old Julian calendar, whereas Western Easter is determined by the Gregorian calendar. Easter Sunday can actually be any time from March 22 to April 25, depending on when the Paschal full moon is.

Many countries around the world, observe Good Friday as a holiday. This is the perfect opportunity to relax and spend some time with your loved ones.

Make sure you send warm wishes on Good Friday and Easter Sunday, with a religious or Easter themed card. Oh, and don’t forget to eat plenty of chocolate eggs too!

Whichever part of the World you will be celebrating Easter, I hope it’s full of warmth and joy.

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