Happy Friendship Day!

There are only so many relationships that a man can have in his short time in this world. Born to parents, by the side of siblings, falling in love with a soul mate and choosing a friend when all of these cease to exist.

For a very long time, plodding further and further through life and with its many distractions, we forget this special someone called friend who is in our life. We don’t know how the world looks without him or her.

That kind of scenario doesn’t happen to us because we have chosen the friend. If it ever happens one would know the true value of this individual.

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Like most things that we take for granted in life, friendship is one of them. Maybe, it has to be taken for granted. That is the right of a friend.

You don’t need to give your friend flowers unlike other relationships where you are culturally dictated to give. Here you don’t need give anything, you just have to be there in their midst. Friends need you around that is all.
Many have tried to understand how friendships happen. And all have come to one conclusion only… Friendship can’t be premeditated. It just happens. And stays forever!

Friend is the one who stands by you when everyone else has left. Soul mates seek divorce, family may not care or exist after a while, but a friend will stand his ground just by your side.

It doesn’t matter how many fights you had or how many heartbreaks you have caused each other… It just doesn’t matter. A friend never judges. He just is.

That is why a day to celebrate friendship is just appropriate.

Happy Friendship Day!

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