Innocence in the Age of Doom!

Send a 'Send A Hug Day' GreetingsA light-hearted blog today for you guys. No heavy stuff, I promise.

I was watching a few cartoon animation episodes over the weekend and had a hearty laugh. When I analyzed it though I found them all to have violence.

Innumerable times the cartoons struck each other violently and tried to hurt them badly. If human beings were shown inflicting such kind of violence against each other… Forget kids, even adults would have needed restricted viewing. But these cartoons are exclusively dedicated to kids. Go figure!

The only difference between violent movies and cartoons is that, there is no show of blood and the injured heal themselves miraculously and everybody lives happily ever after.

But the violence is real!

Kids subconsciously learn violence from the cartoons. And the worse part, they may be led to think that violence may not kill or hurt a person as the characters on television always make a comeback.

And then there are romances. Teen romances. Do they even know that they are not for real, but early hormones and a product of infatuation?

They deem it real and wonder if they would find love. At the age of 12!

There is innocence in a mouse winning the battle against a cat. It is heartening to see caped vigilantes thrashing villains. It is cute to watch little kids romance.

It does make one fear what’s in store for these tiny tots in future, but again we watched them all and have become adults.

They will find a way too.

Kids grow up to be adults. And adults grow up to be kids.

Way of life.

In the times of exorbitant oil prices, death of dictators and a bad economy… sometimes it is fun to watch an animated cartoon, which brings us a smile.

Or maybe, click on a card in our site where a teddy bear hugs with a smile.

Good day, folks!

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