It’s Thanksgiving In Canada!

But first, there is a full moon on the horizon and it shows its exorbitant face on October 8! Look to the deep, vast night sky to see that big, bright face. Admire, take a moment and reflect on the great unknown. Every time there is a full moon, Steve tells me of the extra terrestrial activities that he swears happen around this time. Sometimes I think he spends too much time glued to that telescope of his, but to each his own. I‘ll stick to what I know, loving that giant pie in the sky.

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Pie! If you ever wanted a reason to eat pie before November, I just found your reason. Every second Monday in October, the Canadians celebrate their own version of Thanksgiving. This year it falls on October 13, which is sure to be a day filled with football and some sort of extravagant parades. I am frequently found at Rick’s house at this time of year. No, not for the fall season, well yes, perhaps, but it is also football season! The Canadians hold similar traditions for their thanksgiving and it most definitely includes football, which is a holiday I can love!

After all the fun is to be had and you’re back at work, tell your boss you appreciate the hard work they do. It’s Boss’s Day on October 16, and sometimes our boss’s aren’t thanked enough. I’ll be letting the hire-up’s over here know that I think they are fantastic and wonderful mentors as move on up through my career.

Check out that sweet moon, watch some football on Canada’s Thanksgiving and tell your boss he or she is the greatest!

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