Laughing Together

Send Friendship EcardsI always think that friends who laugh together stay together. Don’t you agree? There may be times when you are having some sort of cold vibes with your friend and suddenly your friend says something incredibly funny. You crack up and the laughter breaks the ice. It maybe the joke is too banal for anyone else to laugh at it, but that doesn’t matter, does it? There are always some inside jokes that you share with your friends and these have become part of the fabric of your friendship. The point is that you ‘get’ each other’s sense of humor.

I have some ever-green jokes that I share with my friends as well, like different lines from funny movies or jokes from stand-up comics. Or my reaction when Steve played an April Fools’ Day trick on me! And Rick’s unforgettable face when Rick woke up after we left him in the lake! Sometimes it seems as if it happened yesterday, while sometimes it seems as if the events happened in some other lifetime. Do you have any such stories which are unique between you and your friends? I’m very curious to read them. Write to me.

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