Let’s Laugh Together!

Send Let's Laugh Day EcardsWe don’t really get to laugh together often, do we? In these times, it is hard anyway to find out a reason to laugh, let alone laugh together. When we went out on St. Patrick’s Day we were talking about those days when things were not this difficult. We used to meet up almost every weekend and share some light moments. Then there were complications which came up. There were break-ups and more work pressure on all of us. We started working extra hours to stay afloat. Even when we are not working, we are constantly thinking of work and how to stay one step ahead. The casualty in this process is that we don’t really participate in fun activities anymore.

This is more damaging actually than the work pressure itself. You need a safety valve to keep your sanity intact. Work pressure often gets on your nerves, and if you do not have your light moments, you cannot get back to work with a fresh mind. As the cliche goes, work hard, party harder. My friends believe in that too, but it’s really difficult to switch off the mind when you are out of office. I tried to do that on a number of times, but each time the thought of work kept popping up in my mind. And when it happens, it’s difficult to get it out of the mind. As a result, the whole point of having a nice time goes out of the window, and you have a worry crease on your forehead immediately. How do you manage stress? I’d really like to know, I can’t really think of an effective way.

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