Lighthearted Humor Gives Meaning To Life!

It’s the month of the year when we are reminded to laugh out loud and enjoy. It’s time to take life easy. Enjoy the amusing sound of a giggle or the rip- roaring sound of laughter.

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“There was a tiger chasing a man in a forest, he ran franticly merely escaping the paws of the furious animal, huffing and puffing he climbed on a tree and held on to a branch, the hungry tiger waited under the tree with his sharp teeth and an open mouth salivating for its prey. When suddenly a rat came by gnawing at the very branch he was hung upon.” Aaliyah narrated a story yesterday to a bunch of kids in our neighborhood. She was creating online thank you greetings in colorful floral patterns with the children who enjoy the magic of their art work come alive with animation.

She put her light pen down and continued in a dramatic tone of voice; rising and dropping pitch got everybody sitting on the edge of their chairs.
I was sitting on the couch writing my journal and couldn’t help myself from getting engrossed in the story, I noted the children were listening with wide eyes and dropped jaw and Aaliyah was enjoying the engagement.

“What happened to the man Aunt Aaliyah one of the children inquired with great curiosity?”
“What do you do when you get into trouble?” Aaliyah asked.

“Well! Aunt the other day when I broke Mumma’s iPhone while playing virtual tennis I just closed my eyes and pleaded God to make me invisible or blow me up into a giant so I could scare her instead. When I opened my eyes my mum was towering over me like the hulk.” The whole group broke into laughter and it was an amusing look on the child’s face.

Aaliyah then continued, “The man also prayed hard to get away from the situation, he asked God to save him and he would do anything in return, suddenly he heard a voice coming from the sky, “Do you promise you’d do anything if I saved you?”, the man was shaken and in a harried state said, yes I would do anything God, please save me!”

The voice came back asking him to let go of the branch. He was in utter confusion and disbelief cropped in his heart. The branch was weakening with the mouse still chewing on it. His strength was fading. He looked down at the tiger waiting to devour him. He looked up to the heavens and yelled, “You must be kidding me, is there anyone else up there?”

The children tittered again and then Aaliyah asked me to conclude the story as I was grinning from ear to ear by now. They turned towards me staring for something extraordinary.

I started, “the story represents our faith. Our trust weakens with situations. We hold on to the sinking ship never realizing that a loft afloat on the surface of the water is enough to carry us overboard. We never let go of the fears and let God take over completely. Our belief should be rock solid so nothing can sway us.”

Just then a child completed me with great excitement, “…and we must keep our promises of returning his favors!” We all chortled. I said, “Certainly! We must also remember to say our thanks to him.”

Have a great week and enjoy it thoroughly with your family, friends and neighborhood. April in Latin means “to open”, so open up to more fun this month, it is the humor month.

To be in touch with me follow me on Twitter. Let’s experience life and lessons together.

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