Love Changes You. But How?

Send Love EcardsWe are most alive when we are in love” – John Updike

I just heard that John Updike passed away. I wanted to remember positive things about this influential writer so I thought I’d share what he said. This quote by him says a lot about lovers like Adrian and Cathy. They have both led very disjointed lives before they met each other. And now, they are so deeply in love. I don’t know much about Cathy because I have not been witness to the changes in her as I have been in the case of Adrian, but Adrian has changed a ton for the better. He’s become more sober and focussed about what he wants to do in life. He’s taking himself seriously and taking mature steps. Cathy gave him a much-needed confidence boost.

Love is a strange emotion and bring about very uncertain changes and these differ from person to person. I have known people who got carried away when they fell in love and that took their eyes off their goals. And they suffered and went down the spiral. While there are others who have found determination and focus when they felt love. It all comes down to how you look at it. I mean, with ten dollars you can gamble it way or buy food for an urchin, it’s all on how you take it. What change did love bring in you? Chime in.

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