Love Twice Over!

Send Flowers Greetings!One of you had questioned whether it is possible to fall in love twice over with the same kind of intensity.

I would say yes.

First of all, let us remember this. Love is not an action, but an emotion.

You can never premeditate love. It is not something that you can plan. And if you do, it is not love. That is a project or an assignment. You find a beautiful girl or a handsome person and think, well, I think I should date this person and see where it goes and eventually maybe we will settle down.

Now, that’s a plan. A good one. Unfortunately, it’s not love.

Love is this:

You are with a person with no expectations and never thought about a future or whatever. You meet by circumstances and/or compulsions of the workplace, school or social gathering from time to time.

Gradually, you look forward to seeing that person instead of the event you are going for. And then, you go home and still think about that one person. 24 hours seems to be about that person only.

That’s love.

You never knew what happened, how it happened or why it happened.

That’s because, love jus’ happens.

And so does breakups. Break of heart. It happens too.

You can always make up your mind. Mind rationalizes things.

Heart doesn’t.

When breakups happen to people who really love each other. They suffer the most. It is a tortuous journey from outright nothing to normalcy later on. You have to suffer, you have to go through uncertainty, tears, blank stares, emptiness, irrational thoughts but you should come out of it as quickly as possible.

You know why?

There is an advantage to a real lover. He has tasted it. It has happened to him. There is a good chance it will happen again.

Love needs a place to reside and it has found you. You are in its circle. If it chose to leave for a while so be it.

It will be back.

Don’t say no then. Embrace it.

You are the chosen one.

Twice over.

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