Pope And the New World!

There was white smoke and then a new Pope arrived to head a billion strong Catholic crowd in the world. It was fascinating to see the conclave with all its mysterious and curious election process and the signals through black and white smoke.

The Pope this time is from a different country, Argentina, for the first time. And the first impressions are that he is a simple Jesuit who has no airs about him. That bodes well for the church and the people. There were allegations of corruption and immoral practices by the clergy in certain places and to address this effectively would be the Pope’s foremost agenda.

Believers are looking for some reassurance everyday and as the days go by we would know if they would get that.

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There are innumerable religions and every religion has a deity of their own. But if you notice, it would dawn on you that every religion on this earth preaches peace.

Nothing but peace.

There are moral science stories written in their respective religious scriptures and books and all talk good things. Only good things. They inspire us to do what is right.

If that is the case, why there is hatred and needless bloodshed in the name of religion?

Will saner world prevail in days to come?

Questions that even God has no answer to. The reason being He or She never asked anyone to compare their religion with another nor asked anyone to fight or hurt another human being.

In God’s eyes everyone is equal.

Then why the difference? Why the need for even a debate or opinion?

If you want to see God, see your newborn child. That is where God is in all His innocence and purity and happiness.

There is no right or wrong, no presumptions or bias, jus’ pure joy.

That is God.

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