Reconnect With Loved Ones In The New Year!

There is magic and solace in reconnecting with loved ones. How many of our friends, cousins and loved ones just faded away as life caught up with us and time distanced us?

When I started to make a list, I was completely startled as how I could’ve lost touch even with my siblings, nieces and nephews often giving myself the reason that if I was needed they will get in touch with me, taking them for granted or getting lost in my nasty ego game which was ready to wait for the other to make the first move as if relationships were nothing but a race to prove who is more worthy.

I believe now I realize relationship is self-expression. It is a way we look at our own self. The way we treat anyone is the way we treat ourselves.

So, I’ve decided to be the one to reach out. Be honest with my people. I want to complete with my folks and not keep anything pertaining to them in my heart from being conveyed to them in the most loving way possible. I remind myself to be kind with my people in all circumstances.

Your connection is your power. Did you know your quality and quantity of social relationships is linked not only to your mental health but also to both your morbidity and mortality?

According to Holt-Lunstad J, Smith TB, Layton JB (2010) Social Relationships and Mortality Risk, it is an accepted research that 50% increase in the likelihood of survival has been observed with stronger social relations.

So, do not wait this new year. Make a list of people you’ve been disconnected from, find reasons why they’ve importance in your life and how they add quality to your life and get started.

Are you wondering what will you say? How will you reach out? I have some perfect online greetings up my sleeve just for setting the right tone to let them feel that they’re remembered.

Stay connected. Stay loved. Stay in joy.

Cheers! See you in the comments.

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