Think Twice Before You Leap!

Send Inspirational Greetings!We are not machines, but human beings with rational thinking and appreciable virtues. Well, that’s what I would like to think, but such an ideal human being exists only when the going is smooth and when life is a bed of roses.

The decisions taken by any individual are usually spontaneous and the actions are usually a reaction triggered to another action.

If the action is a positive one usually the reaction is positive and if it is negative then the reaction is usually negative.

There are certain situations where when your reaction is impulsive it can harm you forever… Here are some situations that I would like to list when you would be better advised to think twice before you react…

1. When your parents are giving you a hard time talking to you in unison and you are not able to take it anymore and are about to snap and say a few words…

Stop a moment, think about who they are and not about what they are saying, keep your anger in check and walk out of the room. Don’t utter a word.

2. When your partner tells you a hurtful think, don’t try to match his/ her words. Do not ever do that. It is a death knell to the relationship. Remember who he/ she is, how important that person is in your life and wait it out. I recommend a hug or quietly shed a tear. Both works.

3. When you have missed a deadline and are questioned at work, don’t instinctively pass the buck. Never point a finger at someone else. You will look bad doing that and would earn an enemy. Instead, accept the mistake gracefully and seek an extension. It will show responsibility and discipline.

4. Bad mood? Long day? Kids are running havoc and disturbing you and aggravating you? Feel like giving them a thrashing or an earful? Don’t. Never raise a hand or let a harsh word on to your kids.

There are many more situations that I can think of, but I am curious what other situations would you recommend?

Mention as many as you want.

I would like to hear.

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