Timely Help!

Time and again one has noticed that timely help helps. Yes, if you give poor child a race car, he will be happy for a moment, but if you give him three meals a day, he would grow healthy. And if you educate him, he may change the world.

There are a lot of philanthropists out there, but how many believe in involving themselves in the cause?

Money thrown away remains thrown away. Money calculated and spent with logical reasoning towards a cause elevates the act of giving and makes the cause a success.

Help shouldn’t be about an act from a selfish part of the heart for its own happiness, but it should be borne out of love. Any act performed with kindness works.

Attitude determines if an act is great or routine.

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Boston marathon had people who stand out prime examples of timely help when they lent a hand to those who lost their limbs. More than their life saving act, it is their act itself that made the bomb victims feel that they are not alone and their handicap won’t be something that will confine them in a four-wall enclosure.

What the volunteers did that day made the will of the survivors strong. That is the most you can give an ailing person.

The confidence and these volunteers gave it without even noticing it.

Giving is something that anyone can do, but giving without ignorance of the cause is the way to go. Educate yourself on what you are dealing with, dissect it step by step and see how you can funnel in the money to help. Set benchmarks, achieve them and tell the world.

Inspire many who wouldn’t have thought about it before. When it is in black and white with evidence and results, it is tough to argue to oneself about not opening up the wallet. You can open the floodgates to giving if you do it right yourself and show the same to the world.

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