Those Precious Moments at Work…

Preparation for the day at work starts when you wake up. Yes, if you wake up all happy and kicked about facing the day and the challenges it will bring at work, then you love what you do.

Choose a career and not a job. Not everyone is fortunate enough to get a career. A lot of them just get by doing jobs. If you ask me for the difference between the two… I would say, job is something you do when you haven’t found your career.

Job is something that you don’t enjoy but do it for money. Career is something that you look forward to and build your life on.

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In your workplace too, you will find both these people, people with jobs and people with careers. You may not know who holds what, but you can be considerate to both… Especially if you are blessed with a career.

There is a reason why certain little celebrations and fun moments are organized in an office. It keeps the atmosphere light and not suffocating. You can celebrate the birthday of a colleague and make him feel special.

That small party in the midst of all cubicles breaks the monotony and brings in the zing and palpable camaraderie into play.

Work while you work and play while you play is the adage, but again there has to be a little bit of play in the middle of backbreaking work. Just not the little parties and celebrations, but also a kind word helps. That is why you got to have friends at work.

Make friends freely, they know you better and your work better as they are around you in a 24-hour day more than anyone else in your life.

That’s the fact. Make your workplace a fun place to be.

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