Unconditional Love.

Love comes in varied colors and multitude of contours. There is nothing constant in love. It evolves. It all depends on what it holds and when it started. There may be umpteen reasons to fall in love and there may be no reason at all.

It doesn’t ask questions, but just gives. Unconditional love is different. When you love someone unconditionally you tend to find a way to love even their faults. When the love is conditional, you find a way to hate even the romantic gestures. It is the way it is.

That is why never rush in love.

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Wait until it envelops you. Wait until it is reciprocated. Wait until you can’t live without each other. Wait until you can live for each other. And then fall for it head first. It is okay then. There is always the other to hold on to.

Many couples make this basic mistake. Wedding is once in a lifetime thing. Hard to believe that in a world where everyone marries at least twice, but again, it was meant to be once.

And divorces were a taboo, but not anymore. When the choice is on the table, everyone has half an eye on it.

Family is replaced by couch shrinks. We are happy to unload all our angst and emotional drivel to a complete stranger, but not to our family. Even worse, why can’t we just talk it out with the person you are in love with?

Half the time relationships break because of miscommunication or no communication at all.

And sometimes, too much communication.

It is like a recipe, too much of anything or one ingredient less and then you get a dish that you can’t put in your mouth.

Such are relationships; you got to strike a balance.

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