Trust – Why is It So Important?

There are countries that are at war even after a ceasefire is announced. You know why? It is because of lack of trust on either side. No one wants to even talk. They believe the other would betray!

They back them with certain examples, but mostly it is just a lack of trust for some reason or no reason. It is a world where every human being is looking at another with suspicion. Authorities tell us that we should report anyone or anything that looks suspicious. We look at a stranger and start looking for danger signs.

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Even in a relationship, couples have the same problem – lack of trust. If there is love, then there never need to be any insecurity. Love is blind for a reason. It knows there would be no unsavory things happening for it to see.

When there is trust at home, the work prospers. When there is lack of it, work suffers.

Employees bring home to work and sometimes bring work to home and that is a problem. Everything has its limits. You don’t need to work extra hours to impress your boss. You can work hard and effectively in your stipulated work time and that is impressive enough. Shun the insecurity, you are doing alright.

Friends too are possessive and then they turn that aspect into mistrust sooner or later. He is hanging out with that gang of people for a while now. She is always with that new entrant and texting her every hour. So what?

You know how much your friend means to you and you know how much you mean to them. No one can steal a friend.

Stop worrying. In fact, be happy to make the brood of friends even bigger.

Trust is everything.

Trust me.

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