What America is Talking About?

Send Have a Great Day EcardsObama came on the plank of Change and yes, got a Nobel and won a lot of hearts and a fair amount of criticism too. He has announced his plans for 2012 re-election now. His hair has changed colors from black to grey to almost white now. Sarah Palin is still in News and looks like she has some ambitious ideas. Biden still talks and then thinks. Avatar is history. The Social Network raked in the money and now, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg won another legal battle against the Winklevoss twins.

We have made a breakthrough in the Anti-terrorism front. With inputs from several agencies we have confirmed that Osama has shaved his beard, but we are yet to confirm if the moustache is still there.

People were out on the streets in Egypt and the dictator fell. People were out on the streets in Libya and our troops are fighting it out alongside the NATO against the State troops. There is unrest in Syria, Bahrain, and now, the latest one, in Cuba too.

You know the best part, these snippets makes it to the Evening News, but the most watched and read stories are as follows:

Kate Middleton and Prince William are getting married. Wedding of the Century English Press tells us. Charlie Sheen is the new age guru with his rants. Lindsay Lohan and whatever she does or doesn’t. Paris Hilton and her pics. And her dog. Justin Bieber – You can like him or hate him, but you can never ignore him. Lady Gaga – it makes news when she breathes. Britney Spears. And some juicy gossip on breakups and hookups of celebrities.

By the way, apart from these 0.000000001% of the world population, the common people who constitute just the other 99.999999999% population have minor problems with employment, health care, oil prices, food, recession and some environmental issues.
Good Day!

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