What Difference Does A Child Make?

Ask any parent which is the most memorable even in their life and they would say without hesitation about the day when they laid eyes on their child for the first time. Couples who have lost the zing in their marriage and have double thoughts at a certain phase in their marital life and in those moment introduction of a little angel gives them something to hold on, distract and then come together and rekindle their relationships as parents.

It is an evolution not many even notice. It happens by default and it is beautiful. The reason most marriages break is because they don’t have a third person to talk to or distract themselves with. And the third person should be the child and not anyone else is the point.

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Life becomes simpler in such circumstances. Every step of the toddler and its growing up tantrums are an absolute delight to watch and it is of course an antidepressant for those who have inhuman work pressure. You come back to something so sweet you look forward to another day in hell.

The weekend party gives way to barbecue grill in your backyard and the amazing amount of money spent on nothing useful turns to expenditure on diapers and some savings for the little one and for yourself.

And then importantly your wild ways come to an end when your kid starts to look up to you and you become his or her hero. You got to mend your ways and make your worthy of a hero to your child. You got to practice before you preach.
You will soon find smiles returning back in your household and sweet noise of the little angel reverberating around your home.

Then, all will be well with the world.

That is the beauty of a child.

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