Easter Blessings Of Joy And Revival!

Easter is traditionally a festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. It is on the third day after his crucifixion. Easter marks a fresh new beginning. It brings with it the energy of revival and an opportunity to renew. It is like coming out of a dark tunnel into the light.

Linda Diane Wattley, author of Charge of the Angel, the first part of the Love and Redemption trilogy, shares her feelings on Easter with us.

“The first thing I think about when Easter comes to my mind is we cannot let Jesus’ death be in vain. He resurrected to let us know death is not the final purpose for his nor our lives. We must know even God’s only begotten son suffered while in this world, but a day came when he suffered no more. Like Jesus, we suffer in this world, but one day we will not suffer anymore. Like Jesus, we are en route to Heaven. Do not let this earthly passageway keep you down; rise knowing your Heavenly Father is waiting for you!”

When asked what resurrection meant in today’s world, she told us,

“As I look at the world today and the people governing it, I know people are more fearful than they have ever been. But anybody knowing God knows we are in a spiritual transformation. Out of the darkness comes the light. We must die to fear and rise in loving and trusting God with our lives. We have to know, though things look horrendous, beneath the surface a light will come forth because God has not brought us this far to leave us now. Be encouraged knowing God is the same God that raised Jesus from the dead and there is not anything man can do to keep Him from being the God of our lives. His love is sufficient and always will be.”

Her message to all our users is as follows:

“I am a firm believer the truth will set you free. If you are not feeling the way you want to feel in this moment, you need to stop what you are doing and sit down. Observe the truth that is dominating this moment that has you less than you want to feel. Choose a truth that will elevate you to the state of being you prefer. Keep in mind life does not care how you feel. What are you going to do? This moment demands that you decide your state of being. This is not heaven so you will be challenged and often times you are not going to like the challenges. But know you have the power to direct your state of being. Choose your thoughts and feelings wisely for they determine your state of being all the time.”

Give yourself and your loved ones this simple reminder on Easter that no matter what they are going through, let them know it is impermanent. Send them strength, send them a prayer of renewal and hope, of love and gratitude. Revive your connections with those who matter. It is a perfect time to reach out.

It is a chance to break open the shell and emerge as a warrior of light. Send Easter Blessings to all your loved ones along with a message to always keep their faith alive. You may just act as a catalyst for someone’s growth.

Easter Basket Full Of Wishes!

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Easter Wishes And Blessings!

Basket Full Of Wishes On Easter!

Lord’s Blessings On Easter!

May Your Basket…

Happy Easter Carrousel!

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