Easter Weekend And Good Friday Blessings!

Good Friday symbolizes the beginning of the worldwide Easter weekend. Usually, Orthodox Easter and Easter fall on different days, but not this year – they are both on 20th of April! This means that everybody can celebrate this wonderful time of year together, which we don’t get to do very often.

Will you be sending Good Friday blessings to your friends and family? How about sending some religious cards to those who are celebrating both Easter and Orthodox Easter? Make sure that you let those you care about know that you’re thinking about them, during this spring time religious festival.

Many people remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday, with different cultures symbolizing this in various ways around the world. His resurrection is remembered on Easter Sunday with celebrations that can last into the next day!

Whether you’re spending Easter with friends or family, or going on a chocolate egg hunt with your local community, we hope you have a joyful and relaxing weekend.

Happy Good Friday and Happy Easter!

April 20, 2014

Send Easter Ecards!
Send Easter Ecards!

Good Friday
April 18,2014

Send Good Friday
April Ecard!
Send Good Friday
April Ecard!

April 20, 2014

Send Easter-Family Ecard!
Send Easter-Family Ecard!
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