Happy New Year from Bob

Welcome to 2009!

Boy it’s going to be an interesting year for us and also for the world in general. We are on the brink of change and I’m very excited by the prospects. We’re going to inaugurate the first African American President in the history of our country. Can you believe that? This is a testament to how what was once thought of as impossible is now possible. For me a New Year brings new inspiration, new life and new vigor. I want to face the challenges of the New Year head on and win.

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  New Year [ Jan 1]

Steve, being the number wizard that he is, told me that this New Year would be very lucky for all of us in general. Numerology suggests that 9 is the most perfect number and that is why this year promises to be a very prosperous year, unlike the last year. Numerology or not, this year is definitely most important for our country and for the world in general. There are many people expecting and hoping to see some winds of change.

As they say, to build a house, first we need good bricks. If the formative units are great, the structure has no options but to turn out the way we want it to be. What I’m getting at is that, this New Year, we must all contribute to make this world a better place for us to live in. I think that should be a shared New Year resolution for all. If we make our little effort count, I’m sure we’ll be covering a lot of ground.

Did you know that the Japanese New Year also falls on January 1st this year. It’s celebrated by sending across New Year Cards. Their primary purpose behind sending these cards is to tell their extended family that they are hale and hearty. You have to send cards within a stipulated day and the postal system in Japan guarantees to have them delivered on the New Year. (Isn’t that cool?) Students are hired on a part-time basis to deliver these cards. They are marked with a special word ‘nengajo’ that gets these cards separated from the others. I wonder if they need editors?

The biggest story of the year so far? Well, Megan and Seth had a huge argument at the New Year Eve party and I don’t know whether they’re going to break up or not. I think they were both tipsy. Seth’s usually a quiet guy but I don’t know what’s going on with them two. I’ll keep you posted on what’s up with them. I mean, I’m going to have to find out myself!

Of course, most people begin the new year in a positive light. Some folks keep New Year resolutions. People like Rick think that it’s bogus, besides, he quit smoking in the middle of the year and he’s doing fine so far. Irina intends to do more bargain shopping this year. (Talk about a goal right?) Well, whatever it is, I still support her. Adrian, inspired by his love, Cathy, plans to do more traveling. Maybe he’ll be accompanying her in some of her travels. Kate as you know has a new start in life, she wants to be single for at least a year. Donna wants to be more spiritual this year and Fred wants to network the DC scene so he can have an impact on creating change for the veterans. Steve wants to be more people savvy instead of being tech savvy all the time. He’s taking lessons from his new single mom friend. And I know what Kong’s goals are for 2009: eat, sleep and get more belly rubs!

What about you? Do you have new year resolutions? What are your goals for 2009? Click here to respond.

Flower Basket Day [Jan 4]

Ancient dating experts used to say that the way to a woman’s heart is to get her flowers and chocolates. The trend has shifted to more modern gifts like the ipod or flashy gadgets. But that has not been able to take away from the simple appeal of a bunch of flowers. I never saw them fail and I’ll pass on my “sage” advice to everyone with ears (or eyes). Flowers have a language of their own and delivers their message directly to the heart. Frank seems to know this trick and many more as well!

He got Eleanor a basket of flowers with a handmade card that he made himself in it. I don’t know what was written on the card, but I got to see the flowers. They were really nice, they worked beautiful together for the color scheme. There were some orchids and tulips in them and another flower which had a peculiar name which I can’t recall. I need to check that with Eleanor again.

Yes, Frank chose the right colors and the flowers made an awesome combo together. Wonder where he got them from! I know January flowers are excellent, but these seemed to have an extra shine in them. Taking nothing away from the flowers, it could also be because of Frank’s love for Eleanor. I think love makes us run that extra mile and makes us want to learn more or invest our time in giving the person all that we can. Don’t you think so?

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  Cuddle Up Day! [Jan 6]

Kong is a toast of the season. First, he got Adrian what he wanted most: a date. Then he charmed Eleanor’s grandson to an extent that he visits his grand mom especially to be with Kong. His influence over my friends can hardly be emphasized. Berka loves him and loves to cuddle and belly rub him. He’s been treated to homemade doggie biscuits by Eleanor because her grandson loves Kong and they are playmates. Her rose garden has been shifted to Frank’s greenhouse for the winter so Kong is no longer a threat to her. Kong also has a young new fan: Rachael’s pup.

Rachael’s pup, Max, is extremely fond of Kong and Kong is very protective of the pup. When Max was at my place, the other day, Kong allowed the pup to cuddle up to him. It was kinda funny because the pup was testing the waters at first. Kong was lying down on the floor, Max came by closely, sniffed around Kong and plopped himself right on top of Kong. I watched this in amazement and surprise, thinking Kong would bite Max but instead he put his paw on Max as if he’s hugging the pup!

They made such a great sight! Kong, huge and in comparison to the little pup, appears even more mammoth. But they hang around in perfect harmony, they entertain themselves so well and they’re the perfect playmates. Liz says that Kong behaves like the pup‘s grandfather! I second that and feel so proud of Kong. He’s so behaved and decent these days. Seems like yesterday when he pooped in the office!

Inspiration for the New Year

Over a period of time I have realized that there can be no greater inspiration than a human example. This idea of mine got fresh support when I met Kate again after a gap of a few weeks. She has changed in a very subtle way. Apparently she’s the same person who moved out of the city with a bagful of hurt emotions and pent-up despair. But now that she’s back, she’s changed for the better. You won’t feel it when you interact with her, but there is a change. And it was not just me who noted that. Megan did so too.

We were talking about her fondly last evening. Megan agreed that a change has come over. “When she went away, she was a girl,” pointed out Megan, “Now she’s a woman.” I couldn’t have agreed more. There is no doubt that she backed herself out of the depression mode. She’s inspired herself to fight it out rather than give up and get side tracked to a corner. Kate doesn’t have that nagging self doubt which was always an excess baggage for her. She’s let go of that, and hopefully, for good. Now she’s more confident, wise and decidedly stronger. I think we should all take a leaf out of her book and inspire ourselves. That’s what we need at this critical juncture of time and place. What better way to begin the New Year?

The Zen quote this edition is all about a positive outlook and bringing in yourself the change you want to see around. This one is by Bill Vaughn: “An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.” Do you agree? Write to me.

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All the best!

Editor, 123Greetings

P.S. If you folks are on Facebook, join me! If you are already on my friend list, you can check out the group!

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4 thoughts on “Happy New Year from Bob

  1. B. Happy New Year to you and your friends-especially Kong and his new puppy friend.
    Yes, change is definitely in the air. Can’t you just feel it? The incoming President is a wonderful thing to look forward to. Yet,we look all around us and see folks going through tough times. Even in my family, both my brothers were recently layed off their jobs. I have friends having a difficult time finding jobs. And Christmas for so many this year was scaled down. It’s sad, but at the same time, due to the economic recession, I actually feel more of a closeness to family and friends and wish to help them in some whow. This is my New Year’s resolution. To help others in some small way. I especially want to become a volunteer and help children in need.
    Thank you again, for all your newsletters over the past 2 years. You are an inspiration to us all.Have a good 2009.
    I raise my glass and give a toast of appreciation to you and yours, L.

  2. hi bob.for the moment, my own resolution, is to do what l can, to make this new year as good as possible, by trying to correct my mistakes (among them, english ones). happy new year for all.

  3. Happy New Year to you too Editor Bob. Thanks for the interesting newsletters. I’ve stopped making new year resolutions. Just wish that 2009 will be a better n happier year for the whole world.

  4. B. Just to let you know, I have emailed you quite a few times through several of your blogs, but they appear not to be sending through. Apparently only this archive vault site does send through to you. Oh well, I will try again on my office computer once I return to my office in a couple of weeks.L.

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