Here’s A Warm Hug For You!

A Big Hello To All My Friends,

What a week it has been?! One roller-coaster ride, I would say!

Well, let’s look forward to one more week of good fun, cheers and a lot of smiles. Hop on and I will take you on a joy ride of events and emotions.

Send a Hug Day[Jan 21]

He walked slowly but cautiously. A sweet little man he was. He couldn’t walk fast though. His hands were trembling. But he had a smile on his face. He was wearing dirty workman clothes and his hand had grease stains. He was smiling at everyone.

It was the hospital waiting room.

People with many ailments and moody faces. No one had a smile. Some were worrying whether the insurance will cover what they have and some were worried will they ever be normal again, defeating the disease they are suffering from.

This man was walking through all of them glancing at every face and then smiling goofily. No one could ignore him and they had to smile back politely. They forgot their pain for a moment and watched him limp and smile.

He played with a kid who looked sad and the kid started laughing. Then the kid started playing and he started jumping along clown-like with the kid.

There were angelic nurses in their whites walking around and there was that sadness cloud that was hanging in the waiting room, but then there was him.

Now, he had started singing. It was an on old John Denver song and someone in the crowd picked up the rhythm and started singing along slowly.

It was a concert atmosphere now and the pain they carried seemed to ebb slowly but surely.

Whisper ‘I Love You’ Day 2016 [Jan 19]

Send Whisper ‘I Love You’ Day Greetings!

Send Whisper ‘I Love You’ Day Greetings!


Send Birthday Greetings!

Send Birthday Greetings!


Send Inspirational Greetings!

Send Inspirational Greetings!

It was for a fleeting moment and then he was tired.

He had his pain too.

He sat down and looked at everyone. For once, he grimaced and looked sad.

Everyone collectively looked at him and smiled.

And the kid climbed on to his lap and hugged him tight.

I closed my eyes.

Humanity survives not because of heroes on the silver screens, but heroes like the one I saw right now.

I have decided to smile at strangers to ease their pain, would you? In the process, you may even send a hug to all those who need it.

Whisper ‘I Love You’ Day[Jan 19]

Tell me a medicine that cures any kind of sadness in the world?

What’s the most heartwarming thing in the world?

What relieves stress?

What costs nothing, but is worth everything?

Three words…

Couldn’t guess?

Answer: The love of your life whispering to you, “I love you!”

Happy Birthday to You!

I will never forget the birthday party we threw last week. It was Kong’s birthday and he didn’t even know it. He was so overwhelmed with the celebration centering around him, but didn’t have a clue why he became the hero of the day.

All said, he had a gala time with juicy bones and bucketfuls of cake, chocolate and cookies.

He wakes up everyday from that day on looking forward to the same treatment.

Well, Kong, in this we both are human. Birthday comes once a year, little buddy.

Got to wait. All good things happen only once in a while!

Give Up!

Yes, give up.

Give up smoking. It kills.
Give up overt drinking. It kills.
Give up drugs. It kills.
Give up ego. It breaks relationships.
Give up anger. It hurts others and you.
Give up hatred. It gives back hatred.

Give up bad things, embrace good ones.

Good day!


Editor Bob.

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