Hug A Teddy, Will You?

My dear brothers, sisters and friends,

What a week that was?! Had a lot of fun with friends and family. How about you? All good? Are you guys still waking up from one festival hangover and walking into another? It is that time of the year folks. There is no chore to complete, only party to be had. It is fun time of the year in our calendar and let us soak up the fun as much as we can before we move on to the drab days in the never ending cycle of life. That said let’s take a look at what we have in store for you this week.

Hug a Bear Day [Nov 7]

Gift a bear and let your beloved hug it. How’s that for an idea? Truth be told, even men love teddy bears. They are too cuddly to ignore. Yours truly, Editor Bob, loves it too. These teddies come in different shapes and sizes, but they always come cute. I don’t how they do that. No wonder every girl worth her salt has a liking for these teddies. Most of them hug one to sleep and it is a cute sight to see. I have seen Aaliyah do that.

It is Hug a Bear Day and you better send a cute card from our collections to the ones you care.

Send a card to the one whom you would want never to forget you and to others whom you don’t want to forget. That’s how the human psyche is. We don’t want to live in an isolated world. We want everyone around us. We want everyone to want us.

We want everyone to love us. It is not wrong. This thought will make us be among our loved ones. Make us less vulnerable against stress and bad times. It is good to be surrounded by people who care for you. Do this simple gesture of sending a card to the ones you care.


You know what’s more cuter than a teddy bear?

It is the smile that your loved one gives when you present her with one. Nothing in this world can beat that!

On second thoughts, one more smile beats it and that’s the smile of a toddler. The kid with a few teeth smiles and you see God. That’s the beauty of being a kid and having one.

<astyle=”text-decoration: none;” href=””>Cuteness is in everything you see. They are obvious and in front, it is just that we need to take time out to see that.

Stay in Touch

Talking about taking time out… Well, in a mad rush world where no one sees eye to eye and exchange empty pleasantries it is a tough call to stay in touch.

But you should. Salary shouldn’t eat your soul. Money is important but heart is primary. Emotions and a sound mind should rule you, not the quest for wealth.

Sometimes we make wrong assumption about wealth. Richness is not about having too much money but having enough money and a lot of love.

Think about that.

Take care,

Editor Bob

Forget Me Not Day 2015 [Nov 10]

Send Forget Me Not Day Greetings!
Send Forget Me Not Day Greetings!

Cute Cards

Send Cute Greetings!
Send Cute Greetings!

Stay in Touch

Send Stay in Touch Greetings!
Send Stay in Touch Greetings!
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2 thoughts on “Hug A Teddy, Will You?

  1. B., Sweetness all around in this newsletter. For sure. Hope you and your friends in New York City made it out OK during Sandy-the horrible Hurricane/Nor’easter.
    hugs from my Teddy bear to yours,

  2. To Bob. I especially liked your comments about staying in touch and the assortment of e-cards to help make that happen. I especially liked the e-card with pictures of Niagra Falls with the background music Somewhere down the road…I have sent many 123 Greetings to family and friends. Thank you so much for making it so easy. Sincerely, NVW

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