Joy Of Finding The Perfect Gift For Mother’s Day

Last evening I was sitting at my favorite cafe and waiting for Aaliyah. I took out the velvet pouch and from there the box for the third time. Oh Gosh! They are so beautiful! My mom would be looking so gorgeous in these earrings. I smiled as I knew that this was the perfect gift for Mother’s Day.

When we were in school and shifting to our current place in SoCal my mom had lost one pair of earrings. It was passed on to her by my grandmother. She was upset for a few days and then bounced back saying, “I just pray that the earrings bring joy and sparkle to whoever finds them!” That is her spirit! She always knows how to find hope and happiness in every situation.

While crossing the street today, my eyes fell on this vintage jewelry shop, and there it was! The sight of the pair in the box reminded me of that incident. It was not the same as the ones she had lost but quite similar to them – classic and regal. At that very moment, I knew that this would be the best gift that has a personal touch.

My mother has always been a true motivator. I have always seen her being hopeful no matter what. She has taught me how to find the true meaning behind every situation. “Face everything with a smile, Bob! That will ensure to multiply the joys during good times and bring down the sorrows in challenging times!” She used to say.

That’s exactly how I face things. My face is full of smiles and my heart is always full of hope and strength! I owe it to my mom.

I can’t wait to send her this gift and express my feelings on this Mother’s Day. I hope that the gift touches her heart and reflects the joy in her voice when we talk next.

Let me know how you are planning to greet your mom this Mother’s Day!

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