Let’s Bring Some Fun At Work!

Back to work after the long holiday season, New Yorkers are booming with fresh energy! All set to kick start their work, one can literally see the spark in the eyes for a new beginning. Amidst all of this, my friend Steve was stressed. We decided to meet for brunch. “What happened?” I asked. “My employees are not doing well at work. Their productivity has gone down. For some reason, they are either drained or not giving their hundred percent. It’s reflecting in their performance,” he said.

“Do you do anything to boost them up at work?” I asked. “As in? Like what?” he asked. “Something that gives them motivation and urges them to look forward to work?” “No, I haven’t done anything like that so far!” he answered.

Fun At Work Day is here! An employer needs to bring in the element of fun. People spend long hours working in the office. They need a little more beyond the coffee vending machines and birthday greetings! I thought of recommending my friend some ideas that will help him.

“You must engage your employees in some fun activities. Like arranging some activity after work or weekly recognition of the best employee for the week or a team lunch.  If they belong from different ethnicity then potluck will be fun. That will lead to sharing and team bonding. You can also take them for dinners at times or sponsor a movie. You can even leave a motivational message on their desk,” I suggested.

“These ideas sound great! But, will that really help?” he asked. “Yes! It will. Such engagements will boost their spirit. Happy employees are healthier and that reflects in their work. Productivity will shoot up. There will be a sense of belonging towards the company,” I replied.

“I get it. I will do it as you have advised. Thanks, Bob! I really hope that all this will make a difference,” he expressed. “It will! Execute them and see!”  I replied. Then both of us got back to enjoying the yummy brunch that we had ordered.

Why let work feel like a Herculean task? Why can’t it be joyful and spontaneous? Various researches have shown that anxiety and stress at work overshadows the talent and skills. That curtails creativity and leads to mediocrity at work. Big or small, every organization must adhere to the healthy working culture. The ‘fun’ element at work brings in better team communication and collaboration. The morale goes up. It helps to work in alignment with the company’s vision.

Let us aim for a happy working environment! You can share with me some of your ideas!

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