Love at Any Age from Editor Bob


How are you doing? Are you enjoying the last weeks of summer? Time really flies, doesn’t it? I’m still single, and I haven’t been looking around much but my roommate and friend Adrian has a different story all together…

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Remember Adrian’s love life was hanging by a very thin line? Adrian, the comedian that he is, started talking to Kong and explaining to him what the situation was. It was quite funny to see him telling Kong that he should have stuck to him when Cathy was around! Kong kept on wagging his tail through the entire monologue. After a while, even the dog lost patience, gave a grunt and laid down and slept. After his turn with Kong, he looked at me. I knew that he was actually very tensed about the future of his relationship with Cathy.

I sat down to have a chat with him. Though I was against this doggie-date to begin with, but now that I saw Adrian serious about it, I decided to wreck my brains to come up with something. After some brief words of encouragement from me, Adrian called up Cathy. I could not hear the other end of the conversation, but with each passing second, Adrian’s smile broadened. So she was cool, what a relief! (And trust me I didn’t want a sulking roommate either.) I was pleasantly surprised to find this romantic side to Adrian. He was really in love with this girl. I just hope things turn out well for them. Here’s to you, Adrian!

Senior Citizens Day [Aug 21]

Guess who’s going out on a date this weekend? No, it’s not Rick-Kaitlin, it’s not Adrian-Cathy, not Megan-Leo or anyone you can possibly think of. It’s Mrs. Bradley! I’m warning all you ‘young folks’ out there, these senior citizens are not to be written off! I read it in the papers the other week that recent studies have shown that senior citizens have better love lives today than say a decade ago. I found the results really interesting and want to share my thoughts on this with you, but not here. Stay with me on my blog, it would not be long before you find my scribblings on the wall.

Now to Mrs. Bradley’s beau: remember Frank, the butcher? He helped out with her roses? Well, like I told Mrs. Bradley, it turned out, he wanted to do more than just help out with the roses. Now stop rubbing your eyes, you are wide awake! Frank, who always had a helping hand and always had samples ready for Mrs. Bradley to try, decided to just ask her out. He had been planning this for a long time! Finally, he decided to just do it. I bet it took a lot of courage on Frank’s part. What I mean is, Mrs. Bradley may be the sweetest person walking the face of the earth, but that sweetness is a quality that she generously sprinkles on her loved ones only. To outsiders, she’s a dignified lady, whom no one would mess with. After Frank asked her out, Mrs. Bradley told him that she’d think about it and came home. That’s when I saw her, by the stoop. She said that she had something important to tell me and asked me if I’d like to come in for tea. You know me, the exchange of my ears and some time for homemade cookies is a very very good deal.

Mrs. Bradley told me about the shocking news after she poured the tea. Well, it was shocking for her anyway. “I told you he was interested in you,” I said, “I can spot a man in love from miles.” “Oh, don’t do your Editor Bob tricks, they don’t work on me,” said Mrs. Bradley. I started smiling, and I listened to her talk. “Frank is a nice man,” she said, “At my age you’re pretty much set for who you are and what you’ve done. It can be lonely at times too, that is when you need friends and family. That’s why I like having you around to talk to. When he asked me out I was a bit shocked. One, you were right, and two, he actually asked me out!” said Mrs. Bradley with a slight smile, and a tint of pink covered her cheeks. “I don’t know Bob, I thought about it when you brought it up in June. But I dismissed it, thinking it was a silly thing at my age. Now I have to give him an answer…” Mrs. Bradley trailed off, lost in her own thoughts. Well, we spoke for a while, and she still was indecisive. She said that she needs time to think.

What do you guys think? Shouldn’t there be love for 60ish, 70ish people? Are there any of you out there who are late-bloomers? Why don’t you share your story so maybe I can inspire her? Click here to comment.

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  Hug Your Sweetheart Day [Aug 23]

Talk about unusual love stories, Steve has a sweetheart! “Steve has a sweetheart?” asked Donna, when I broke the news. “Shhh….” I had to calm her down, and whisper near the water cooler. Too many surprises in one newsletter may confuse the daylights out of you, but I had to share both of the stories with you. Imagine the surprise I got in a span of a couple of days! Steve walked into my cubicle after lunch. He was a curious mix of elation and anticipation. He looked over his shoulders a couple of times to see if anyone was listening in, and sat down on the chair opposite me. At that point I was thinking, oh no not another UFO sighting. But I was more shocked when he said, he got connected with his high school sweetheart. The one he went to the prom with. Donna’s question was what exactly went on in my head.

Apparently, she asked him out to a movie and dinner this Friday! Donna was happy for him as well when I shared the news. Let’s see how it goes, maybe he’ll be out of this whole online dating deal he had with me sooner than expected!

Toilet Paper Day [Aug 26]

You people always tell me what a lovely group of friends I have. I feel so proud of them too. What makes them a lovely group to be with is that they are a bunch of crazy people who quarrel with each other like school girls. You never know what they’re going to say or do. It’s like living and watching “Children Say the Darnest Things” except, these guys and gals are not kids! I’m just grateful that they patch up as easily. Sometimes they crack up right in the middle of a heated fight! Like the other day Steve had dropped in. He wanted to go to the bathroom right away. Adrian and I waited for him to come out so that we could have the first word with him about his new, well, old sweetheart.

When he came out, Adrian and I guessed from Steve’s facial expression that something was wrong. “You guys are such barbarians!” Steve shouted at us. We were shocked, we didn’t know what was going on. “How can you keep the toilet paper just lying about?” he continued. Adrian, realizing why Steve was upset about smiled and said, “You’re lucky there’s toilet paper inside, the other day when…” I motioned Adrian to stop talking. I think he got my signal. I didn’t like the look on Steve–I knew he was about to explode. We have a bachelor pad, toilet paper is the least of our concerns. Yes, ok, sometimes we do run out of it, but not ALL the time. Supposedly, according to Steve, there’s a way to put the roll of toilet paper the “right way.” It seems there’s a method to his madness after all, folks!

When Steve started his toilet paper lecture Adrian lost it. Adrian and Steve argued back and forth, oh not a lot of words came out. Steve said, “There’s a way to put toilet paper the right way,” so Adrian retorted, “IS NOT!” then Steve said, “IS TO!” They kept repeating the same stuff to each other. I went and grabbed a beer from the fridge, when I came back they were still saying, “Is not, is to” to each other! And then Adrian leaped and grabbed a duct tape nearby. He tore out some and pasted it on Steve’s lips! Steve was horrified. Then before Steve could peel it off and head for Adrian, Adrian told him with a smile, “Don’t complain. I got THIS tape on you the way you want!” That was it! Steve took off the tape and wide-eyed horror changed to hysteric laughter and we all joined in with enthusiasm. They can be such kids I tell ya!

That’s all I got time for this week and the Zen quote of the week comes from my Facebook friend Kate Hetu from Massachusetts. She wrote, “A friend is someone who has seen the full spectrum of your life, from the brightest days to the darkest, and loves you for it all.” That’s so true, a friend is someone who knows everything about you, even about unpleasant things like toilets! Stay tuned for love sagas to continue!

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Editor, 123Greetings

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77 thoughts on “Love at Any Age from Editor Bob

  1. Mrs. Bradley should just “go for it and have fun”. I am a firm believer that anything can happen at any age..60s,70s,even at 80 you can find love again or just have right there in front of you. Frank is a good guy,so why not? Mrs. Bradley,you have nothing to lose and a deeper relationship to gain.

    Mrs. Bradley,you go girl!!! Have fun and live a little,take that next step to love.

  2. I aam of the age that is closer to 80 than 70, having been widowed almost three years ago. I can tell you that there is still is a huge resevoir of love waiting to be tapped. It’s not the chronological part of the equation, but the attitudinal component. Too often we are cast adrift in our later years and lack the opportunity to sharee the love we are capable of giving.

  3. I want to point out that all 60- (and 70-) year olds aren’t “little old gray-haired ladies.” I know I sure am not! Check out Goldie Hawn, Tina Turner etc. And you don’t have to be a celebrity to be a long way from the old myths of what it meant to be 60+. While I don’t have a romantic partner at the moment, I certainly would like to (I’m working on it!). 60 isn’t dead, not by a long shot!

  4. Love in the 60’s and 70’s. I can confirm that with a big YES! I’ve been having a love affair with the same man for 10 years. It began when I was 61 and he was 53. We went strong at it for 3 years when guilt (his) pulled him away for 5 years. I remained truly in love not finding someone else that I was interested in. After 5 years he was back. I was 69 going on to 70 and he was the same age I was when we met. Things were slow I must admit, but now we both light each other’s fires. He was willing to be be patient, and I was persistent. Finally, bingo, back to having sex better than ever. He’s there to kiss my scars after two endartarectomies and a cataract surgery. We talk about our aches and pains like all old couples and kiss them away among other things. I had been married twice and in many other relationships, but this man is the one I still enjoy and love to the bone. I just turned 71, and he gave me a Yours+Mine KY kit for my birthday present. I’m ready for him to come back and test it out again with me. We are slower but so much more funner.

  5. This is a comment on the Senior Citizens Day article. I totally agree that there should be love for 60-somethings. In fact, my boyfriend just turned 66. I am almost 25. I tell you I have never been more in love with anyone. Love comes in all packages.

  6. Hi!

    Most DEFINITELY, Mrs. Bradley should go out on
    a date! Even if it dosen’t work out, at least
    she will have a good friend.


  8. Dear Editor Bob,
    I didn’t know you but I am inspired by your email. Is it for real? I mean, are the happenings you are talking about real?

    Well, I am not a late bloomer. Neither am I looking for a new love. But i have a friend that I would like to recommend to your group. He name is Mel C. Briones. She would like to meet single seniors between the ages 65-70. Her email address is hope you could connect her to some good fellows of this age level. She is a retired teacher and a lively conversationalist.

    More power to you.
    Nimfa Col

  9. I think Ms. Bradley should go for it. My grandmother started dating a guy 14 years after my grandfather died. they had 9 wonderful years together with companionship before he passed away. I know it was very precious to my grandmother, and our family enjoyed having him around.


  10. “What do you guys think? Shouldn’t there be love for 60ish, 70ish people?”

    You gotta be jiving me! We “old folks” are having a hell of a sex life, whether anyone else approves or not. A couple of years ago at age 63, I was juggling a wife and two girlfriends, which ain’t too bad for a fat guy with heart problems and occasional erectile dysfunction. I’ve since cut back, having left home for awhile to renew an old flame before I remembered why that hadn’t worked out the first time around. I’ve been on the straight and narrow for the last couple of years since my wife took me back, although I still communicate with my lady friends.

    Meanwhile, my dad just turned 86 and is probably getting laid more than me and my two brothers. He’s a virile old rooster.

  11. Hi Editor Bob:
    I love your stories. I am here to tell you love can happen at any age.
    I started dating again at 56. This was after a very long marriage that ended a few years ago with my being a widow.
    I’ve never had so much fun and yes, senior citizen dating is on the rise.

    Baby Boomers Rule!

  12. My mother will be 75 this October. Since her divorce 40 years ago she has been very heavyset and has just figured that no man would be interested in such a large woman. Several months ago she called me and said “. . . what if I started dating again?”
    “Great, Mom!” I replied.
    ” . . . and what if he was 20 years younger than me?” she ventured.
    “If you both care about each other, that’s all that matters! I’m not going to judge you!”

    She has been so cute these days. “I can’t talk right now, honey. I’m making dinner for ‘Someone’!” She is laughing and sounds so happy! Happier than she has been in a very long time. She says things that make ME blush! I think it’s wonderful!

  13. Hi – Thanks for allowing me to e-mail!! Yep, I moved to Las Vegas and life has never been the same. is a free dating site. Life has never been better!! Being 63, my first–well, I’ve dated guys on here from 18-59, and each brings with them a uniqueness that is so MUCH FUN!! The WORST was a guy that said he was 79, but actually 92; he said he was rich, but he was so rude, it didn’t matter. Plus this site is free.

  14. I enjoy your newsletter and find it quite interesting. I think you should make it into a book and publish it when you have enough of them and weave a little mystery into it.

    I find it very refreshing in this day and age. I am a “senior citizen” still married (40 years)and look forward to each and every one of your email newsletters.

  15. You wanted a story about Senior Citizen’s, this is mine. Gary (69 now) became a widower about 2.5 years ago and I joined the sunday school class he attended. After a period of mourning, he asked me out for a friendship dinner. I (73 now) went to dinner with him and then we began to just be friends and do stuff together. Now after this time, the friendship has grown into love and we are about to get engaged and plan to marry next year, God willing. Love and passion for another person does not diminish with age. The experience of a lifetime make a relationship more precious at this age and a lot of fun. I bet it makes us live longer.

  16. Of course there should be love at any age!! My mom was in a nursing home, suffering from dementia and she still got a twinkle in her eye when one of the males (staff or residents) took the time to chat with her!
    It’s never too late to have love in your life.

  17. Go for it , life is too short to be alone .. Even if its for a breakfast , lunch or dinner date, its something to look forwward to.

    we all need that at our age
    Good luck .

  18. Re. your question about whether Seniors should have love. Love is an ethereal matter of the heart and soul, and if the body can keep up the more the better. As an “older” person (in my young 50s) I’ve found that passion is better because the stupidity of youth has passed and you know what’s truly important. First because there isn’t much time to waste, and second because you understand the core substance behind romance and passion – reality. It’s also very, very powerful at this age because you don’t take it for granted. There are two sayings that come to mind: “Youth is wasted on the young” (hey, remember I was very young once and am young again!). And “Just because there’s snow on the roof doesn’t mean there’s no fire in the furnace.” Also, there’s the lack of fear about pregnancy and you’re more accepting that your body is what it is. You let go of a lot of egoism that can hold you back. So I say, keep the lights on, go for it and thunderbolts away!!!

  19. BOB, HI, I would like to believe that there is someone for everyone out there no matter what the age. We all deserve to be loved, a deep true love and though it may take sometime there is someone for each of us. I recently found mine and couldn’t be happier. I send best wishes to all who read this don’t give up you will find the one for you and you will be blessed for waiting and continueing the seach. May GOD bless you all as HE has me, sicerly Busybeez.

  20. I’ll have to admit that like Mrs. Bradley, I thought that a posibility of a love life after 60 was gone. Boy am I glad I was wrong! And wrong is an understatement. At 66 I have met a soulmate, 63, and am deeply and profoundly in love. I can’t imagine why you’re still single. Whatever you do, don’t give up!

  21. Bob,

    My dear great Aunt found herself a wonderful man and remarried at the age of 82. Aunt Edna and Uncle Earl were very happy being together for 10 long years before he passed. They had great times fishing, camping and just enjoying the days together.
    Of course there was always the tease about her becoming pregnant, but that didn’t happen. Tell Mrs. Bradley to GO FOR IT !!

  22. I think there should be love no mater how old u r, my dad is about 80 sometihg, & he has a woman that is almost 90 yrs old .What do u tihnk about that?
    I really love this website.

  23. Bob; You asked about the 60’s; well I am 60 now, and have the same urges, strength and capabilities I had when I was in my 20’s. I still work at the same pace, frenetic to some, and work around my small farm of 15 acres when I am not working delivering mail. I guess the real aspect of living is not to stop what you like; and keep up your energy and exercise and your clock might not run down, or stop ticking. Anyway, good luck with the love life; as anyone I like or admire is much younger than me, and age seems to make a difference in their minds, if not my own. Life is full of candy, and just eat the kind you like, and leave the rest alone….Lol be safe, groovey

  24. Good for Ms. Bradley!! There’s nothing wrong with finding someone to love at her age as long as she does things the right way. I’m sure she’s a sensible lady…sure sounds like it!!

    And how old did you say your friends are? Cause I’m sorry, but there definitely is a correct way to hang a roll of toilet paper. I would’ve argued it too!! The paper should always roll off on the front side not the back!! No, I’m not a kid!!

  25. For Mrs. Bradley:
    There are no age limits on romantic love. Just to prove it, I am 60ish and I totally put love in my back pocket and even added a hatred for men in there, too. Someone came along and I was so rude and mean to him, yet he still had patience with me and persistence. One day, my conscience got the best of me and I realized that he was a nice guy, that I had done nothing but insult him and be ugly to him. I thought maybe it was possible to try to be nice to him, so I did. Before I knew what was happening, my heart was in my throat and butterflies were in my stomach as if I were sixteen again. I knew the comfort of companionship was possible, but I found out the whole “nine yards” still existed within me, and if I’ve ever felt this good before now, I don’t know when it was. So, go for it!

  26. Hi Bob! Just love reading your letters every week, it’s almost like getting a note from one of my own family, and I love following along with the ongoing stories of Kong, Adrian and all the ladies as well ~ takes me back…..

    Anyhow, I just had to comment on your inquiry about love in the prime of life ~ for those mature people who you are celebrating today. Yes, Yes & YES!! If a golden opportunity presents itself in the golden years of our lives why not go for it? People at any age were never meant to be alone, and often family and friends get so tied up in their own everyday lives it is all to easy to forget that us healthy, mature adults would like a little spice in our lives and a bit of enjoyment just as much as a younger person, and believe me when it happens it is so very special that we appreciate it even more! So thank you for remembering Mrs. Bradley and Frank! Encourage them and wish them to enjoy the best of whatever lies ahead! I know I do!
    And keep up the great work. Hugs, Margo

  27. I have to tell you, Bob, that I believe there is love to be had in the “twilight years”. My mom’s little brother (who is about 75 years old!) has been single all of my life. I never really heard anything even as far as him dating. Well, wouldn’t you know, he just got MARRIED! Apparently they had dated back in high school and ran into each other not too long ago. They got to talking, which lead to coffee and reminiscing and NOW I have a new aunt! And on that note, I say GO FOR IT MRS. BRADLEY!

  28. Dear Bob,
    Where have you been these past months!

    I enjoy your newsletters greatly and look forward to them every weekend, but for the past two months or so I’ve not had the pleasure of recieving them. It’s sure good to have you back!!!

  29. I think it is so cute and sweet to see older people in love. Love is a wonderful thing no matter your age. I say go for it and have a blast while you’re at it.

  30. Dear Bob
    I am a senior citizen (73yrs) and have been awidower last 2 1/2 yrs.Love is a most wonderful thing and I think she should go for the date with the butcher.I am sure she will be happy and he would be in 7th heaven.

  31. Bob…surely everyone deserves to have someone and not be alone, especially those who are seniored. My uncle just turned 80 this year and his wife passed about 5-6 years ago. He’s had a FEW girlfriends who all adored him. He even went on a family cruise with one. I believe that everyone should have some companionship…and it’s so cute to hear his girlfriend call him “Baby”…Thanks so much for all your writing. I always get happy when I see the Editor Bob popup in my email and feel like I know you guys…you should go on a road tour to some of the cities you reach via your newsletter.

  32. I say go for it Mrs.Bradley! My step grandma was widowed for many years, and then at the age of 60 she met a wonderful man who became my step grandpop. They were very much in love and led a happy, beautiful life together, traveling and doing all sorts. All of our families blended and became one giant family, it was awesome. Christmas eve was such a specatular time at their house, it was something I looked forward to all year long! If it hadn’t been for their love and inibition about starting a relationship, I would have never known the joys of having such a lovely extended family. Love knows no boundaries. Just as Mrs.Bradley’s love will live on forever for Mr.Bradley(that will never ever change), this new love; be it friendship, companionship, or another true love for the second half of her life is a blessing. My step grandparent’s got to enjoy another 20+ years of marriage with someone whom they loved and enjoyed being with, and they spent the rest of their days together. That’s more than you can say for many first time marraiges or even second chancers!
    One thing I’d like to say to Mrs.Bradley- Your love for Mr.Bradley will always be there, that will never change. No one will replace Mr.Bradley, your heart will not displace him, it will grow a little bigger to make room for a new friend. In this world, we have been blessed with the ability to love more than one person, and it is a blessing, to have a companion, friend, and possibly a new love come into your life to enjoy the rest of your days with. Good luck to you!

  33. I was 64 and he was 72 and we met by accident, via our hobby of geocaching, and now at 68 and almost 76 we are still together – we travel in our motorhome 10 months a year and spent the rest of the time at his home in Ohio -(I am from Oregon and we met in Arizona). Love at this age isn’t the same as when you are young, It’s better! We are both in pretty good health and still active, both love to travel and this has just made our senior lives so much better!! Go for it and have no regrets no matter what the outcome.
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, But rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming
    WOW—-WHAT—-A RIDE!!!

  34. I am in my 60’s and have been dating for the past 2 years. The only guys I seem to be attracted to are between 28 and 45. There are a couple of websites for older women/younger guys and I have met a lot of people. Having fun but wish I could convince one special one that I am meant for him.

  35. My grandmother and grandfather were married 61 until he passed away 10 years ago. She will be 88 on Sept 21, 2008 and her “boyfriend” will turn 93 the same day. They are great companions. Love blooms in all places and for all ages. I hope Mrs. Bradley gives Frank a chance. 🙂

  36. lucky you mrs bradley… go for it..
    i’m on my early 40’s and still single.
    i’m still waiting for Mr. right

  37. Hi , I’m one of the “oldsters” and single again . The wonderful man I was with died 11 year ago and now ????
    So what do you out there have for a spry lady who still likes a good time .
    I’m not even 80 yet . Still another 1/2 year to go until I get to that grand age .
    Old ladies know what’s important in life .

  38. I will be 60 next year. I am told that I look like I am in my 40s. I get hit on all the time by younger and older men. I am married so I’ve had to refuse, but it’s good to know that there still is fire in the oven. Go for it Mrs. Bradley.

  39. I think it is wonderful if you find someone at any age, that should make no differece. If that someone makes you happy, go for it. Life is to short.

  40. no doubt about it. Everyone, deserved that special feeling.
    No questions about that,
    even though some are not capable physically.

  41. Read your letters all the time, love them,started reading you articles many years ago. I think love can come in many forms and shapes, but you are never to old to care and to share feeling with someone. I am 70 and love life,and nothing wrong with the sex endof it either. I not as good as I once was but but as good once as I ever was. Have fun life is great.

  42. Mrs. B. should give it a whirl, heck at her age what do you have to lose and who knows she just might get lucky and find true love and someone to share the rest of life with. We all need love and she is such a great person and Frank seems ok too. What’s one date..go fot it!

  43. … what makes those younger than 60 think LOVE evaporates with age? … i am 62 and feel much in love … i walk outdoors in the company of nature absorbing what life continues to offer me … you’re a good soul Bob and you too will be blessed with the love of your life … Cheers and God bless!

  44. … oh yes … groovey is right about the TOILET PAPER rolling off towards … not from the back … in fact, with extravagance of time and effort, the end should be folded in triangle … i do that at home … go to 5-star hotels and you’ll see how … thanks for sharing your thoughts Bob …

  45. Ah, go for it Mrs. Bradley! It does my heart good to hear what’s goin on! There has to be love at any age, there just has to be! I just turned 55 and you give me hope! I had to end a 19 year relationship last November with the love of my life, but I can’t share the man I love. It has taken so much to get back to finding “me” and realizing that we all deserve to be loved, and that there is someone out there to share life with, of which I am finally starting to “look”. Everyone needs someone to make them feel special, to accept them as they are, to share life’s journey!

  46. Heya Bob!

    I absolutely love reading your newsletters! Even though I don’t get time to check often enough, I make sure that I read your newsletters whenever I do check them! You and your stories certainly are inspirational! No matter what am feeling at the time of reading them, my smile just keeps getting broader and broader! Am 31, single and never been in a relationship so I guess that qualifies me as a ‘late bloomer’ as well..especially if takes even longer before I end up with someone….Your stories give me hope, and if there was a way for me to hug you everytime I read your stories, you’d be drowned in them!

    As for Mrs. Bradley, go for it please! You’re one of the very lucky ones out there to have someone wanting to be with you. Take it from someone who’s still waiting to be asked out. (Pathetic, but true)….GO FOR IT MRS. BRADLEY!!!!!

  47. Hi Bob,

    Re Mrs Bradley…she should absolutely go for it with Frank the Butcher. You are NEVER too old for love, romance and all the rest. I used to work with a remarkable senior who had been married for decades (she was in her early 70s). We got to talking about “girl stuff” one day, and she really surprised me when she said about her and her husband, “Yes, we’re still ‘active'” (iykwim)!!

    I’m in my 50s now and am looking forward to my senior years. I have taken inspiration from:
    The poem “When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple”;
    The terrific line at the end of the film “Same Time, Next Year” where Alan Alda’s character says, “We’ll keep meeting like this until our bones are too brittle to risk contact!”;
    And, best of all (my favourite), Ruth Gordon’s incredible character of Maude in the film “Harold and Maude”.

    Love reading your newsletters, blogs, etc., and I cannot understand why *you’re* still single! Keep the faith, Bob…there’s got to be a great woman out there for you! xx

  48. heelloooo,
    I hav read it n purly feel dat ppl at the age of 60 or 70 shud n must hav d freedom n courage 2 luv coz at dis age u r sumwere free frm ol ur tensions n responsibilities…….
    dey shud live 2geder n njoy life 2 d fullest at dis age.

  49. Yes why not Mrs Bradly needs someone to share the life with,
    As you said Editor Bob love can come any time and its nice,its right that i was surprissed at the begining.
    Mrs.Bradly try you will not loss any thing.

  50. Dear Mr.Bob,
    Ever since I subscribed newsletters, I have had thought many times to write and appreciate you as most of your thoughts are highly gentle, caring and energise a spirit of a man. And this one on ‘Love at Any Age’ is a tremendous, daring and an essential social presentation and I like the very essence of deep humane you cherish in your writtings on the intricacies of this beautiful human creation of God.

    Love is Eternal, Love is Godly and it is Wonderful. It has no brackets or boundaries.
    Old age does deserve care and love. And Mr.Bradley very well and go ahead.

    By Ravijagannath/India on Aug.23,2008

  51. Bob,
    Yes Mrs. Bradley should go out with Frank at least once to see what he is like out of the shop. Believe me I know having someone again at a late age is Awsome. I am a widow and have been seeing my old high school boy friend and Wow it is great. Good Luck to her.

  52. Hello Bob,

    The love story of Mrs. Bradley is very inspirational. Age does not matter, the heart never grows old.

    The fruits are sweeter when thy are ripe and
    experience is the best teacher in life. The seniors are very loving and wise.

    Best wishes to all and thank you.

  53. Go on that date and don’t be just divvying aournd it.. At that woman’s age, there’s no time to waste. If the date goes well, that’s good, if the date doesn’t, and least an effort was made.

  54. Ah, I’ve loved reading all the emailers comments, just finished reading them and they’re all brilliant!

    You’re never too old to boogie!!

    Maria, 56, Ireland

  55. at 83 i have much love, mostly real, some affected, from all the girls. my physical lust ended at age 77 and i do miss that part, but got used to it. now this romance is equally wonderful and keeps me happy ‘young’ and bright. but for link-ups, there will be many socio-econ-physical-psycho-emotic-LEGAL issues that come in the way. with all that, love happens at any age, the mischievous elfs see to it, and better take the best vantage.

  56. I do agree that there are lots of 60-70 year old beauies and studs out there but I have to say in my heart of hearts there are probably a lot more regular 60 -70 year olds . While I beleive in keeping up appearances as best as we can Im sure there are many who find it more difficult at this age with ailments like arthriis etc often making it difficult to walk let alone do feverish exercises. Id like to beleive that people who arent in the perfect bracket can also have hopes of being loved by someone of a kindred spirit where there is also an attraction on the physical plane too. Does anyone agree out there?

  57. I’m sitting here reading all reader’s thoughts.
    it sounds like ya all understood about love and life.
    ya wait, if Mrs. Bradley ever falls in the wrong spot! she is going to hunt ya down with her big old stick she bought! Although her character sounds like calm and cool, but when people get mad they might chase ya with bats!

    these bats are not the ones that can fly.
    but the bats i’m talking about are the bats that can pound pow pound!
    and that will make all mooses turn into cows.

    bless all hearts.
    i’m scratching my head and smile … night!
    by the way — if mooses turned into cows probably will become silly goose!

  58. Yes, yes, Mrs. Bradley! You are never too old, unless you feel it. Love comes in all shapes, sizes,etc..
    Say, Bob, how old are you? You seem like a fun guy. Maybe you would like my daughter!

  59. I am a widow of 4 years and have just started “keeping company” with a good and gentle Christian man who is 22 years older than me. He is also a widower and we both missed the companionship after losing our spouses. We spend many hours just talking; however we get out and do stuff too. We both feel it is important to keep moving and keep getting out there and meeting new people.
    I had decided that God wasn’t going to provide me with another relationship with a man as He had provided for me in so many other ways. The very next night I met my friend. So don’t give up, this is for real!

  60. I think that Mrs. Bradley should give herself and Frank a chance to go out and find out if they can have a good time together.

  61. I have read a lot of the above e-mails and I agree no matter what age no one should be alone at any age. There are enough people in this world for everyone to find someone but to many of us just look at the outside person and make our judgements. We need to look at what is underneath the outer layer and look inside they are very wonderful under neath all the outer trappings.

  62. I recently reunited with my very first love. 50 years ago on September 4, 1958 we had our first date. I was 14 and he was 16. He drove me home from a Labor Day Carnival. We dated my freshman and his senior years of high school. He went into the Navy and we wrote for a while and then my Mother made us stop writing as we were starting to get more serious than she thought a girl my age with 2 more years of high school needed to be, she thought I needed to see other people. We lost touch with each other but never was he ever out of my mind. I married and had 6 children and he married and had 4 children. We are now back together and have been for two years and it is like we never could imagine it to be. Me 64 and him 66 and it is Wonderfully Amazing! Never too Old.

  63. my beautiful grandmother married again at age 86 to her 90 year old beau.they held hands as they sat on their loveseat together& were happy until she passed away.(of course he took her for everything she was worth&gave it to his family:)isn,t love grand:)we were just glad she was happy&blessed:)

  64. Yes, there is and should be love in the 60s and 70s. It just might take a different turn as the body is not the same as in the 20s and 30s. Communication, trust, and genuine caring comes to mind. I say “go for it”. You never know when your last day will be. The trick is to be happy and content.

  65. dear Editor Bob,

    I’m trying to write a few sentences to inspire and thank my friend for being a great friend. Please see if it sounds ok to you.

    **”You are my friend because you have a heart that made OUT of red blood VESSELS, filled with humanity, and that’s what made your heart pumping not jumping well 2nd thought maybe tumbling *** (haha!) (ah ha!)

    Dear Editor Bob,

    Does that make sense to you? Wow, only a few words, and i’m getting a headache already! too much thinking when writing. that’s why i admire your newsletters.. so creative, so giggle giggles, so humble mumble.. so dramatic… so ..i’m running out of words, that’s what i mean – i have very limited words to write and express, that’s why i hate writing but now i have to write! anyway,, i just keep on trying.. , hey Bob! do you do alot of thinking before you write, do you review your grammar and punctuation before you hit send? Were you a young “English” professor in the past? Those words you have written from your newsletters seem like they just consistently flow like yawning! wake up!

    thanks for reviewing my thoughts.
    take care always,
    your reader!

  66. Bob i always enjoy whatever u send to me thanks a million keep it up.hownare u over threr saying hello 4rm nigeria byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  67. Well, well, well, for me there is no age border in love……. Dear Bob, could you let Mrs Bradley knows, go ahead with her sweet date 🙂 I believed she will enjoy and cheer up her life.

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