Mother’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Work Contacts

Hello there!

The Birthday Reminder Service continues to simplify a lot of lives! On a more personal note, find out what I’m doing on Mother’s Day and what I’m missing out!

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Send Mother’s Day Greetings!
Mother’s Call [May 8]

People who stay away from home, like me, feel a tug at the heart during this time of the year. It is true that mothers do not complain when their young ones leave the nest to fly higher. At the same time, it is always true that mothers want them to return to the nest once in a while. My mom, who has taught me and Liz to be fiercely independent, wants us to return home this Mother’s Day. The ecard dashboard, the phone calls, the emails: these are not going to be enough!

That’s the news from the ground here! I’m going back to Pasadena to be with my mom on Mother’s Day. My sister, Liz, is coming with me, along with her daughter, Rachael. This is my first trip home after a long while. Mom is really happy that we have decided to honor her wishes this time around! She has been asking us to drop by for the last couple of years. It will be some gathering with two mothers: my mom and Liz. Home cooked food after years – I can hardly wait to pack my bags!

Cinco de Mayo Party [May 5]

My trip home has thrown Adrian’s Cinco de Mayo party into a spot of bother. “I planned this for all of us, mate!” he complained to me, “And you’re not going to be here!” I assured him that I will help him arrange the show before I leave. Adrian is not convinced by this. He was thinking of calling it off. But I managed to convince him otherwise. I want him to celebrate this occasion. As you guys know, the lad is having it rough for a while. This party is just what the doctor ordered for him.

Now that I have touched upon his problem, let me tell you that things have improved slightly for Adrian. Cathy’s parents are beginning to be acquainted with the person whom we all know and love. He’s hit it off well with Cathy’s dad and the last time I heard, they were making plans to watch softball on TV. That’s a definite thawing of frozen dynamics that they started off on. Adrian sees a lot of hope in this development and so do our friends.

Finally, our gang chipped in to persuade Adrian about the party. Online invitations were sent out. Cathy is set to track RSVPs to the event. I regret missing out on this one!

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Send Cinco de Mayo Greetings!

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Thanks For Being You!

Adrian’s insistence on calling off the party because of my absence was very moving. It’s amazing how people around you care for you. They may not tell you every single day that they love you or hug you at every available opportunity, but when you really need it, they are always a step back to break your fall. On those rare occasions when you feel the need to thank them verbally, words fail you. Those stuttered words are probably the most eloquent ‘Thank you!’

The most astonishing part is that these people are not being something that they are not! They are just being themselves. Sarah never tries to establish herself as someone else. The caring attitude is inherent in her and is an innate part of her system. Sarah would never go into a panic mode. Rather, she will, like a calm surgeon, do what needs to be done and take a step back. I have never felt her concern to be overbearing. Thank you for being you, Sarah!

Work Contacts

That, however, does not mean that I do nothing to bail her out! Recently Sarah had a tricky situation at the workplace. There’s a gossip queen at work who sent a friend request to Sarah. Sarah didn’t want to add her on her page because of obvious reasons. At the same time she didn’t want to offend her colleague. Sarah dialed my number to look for a solution. The primary question was to find out whether this contact held any influence over Sarah’s professional life.

Sarah told me that it was not a problem. The only reason she couldn’t block the contact was that she didn’t want an unpleasant equation at work. I suggested that she keep the request on hold and make up excuses if the person asked her about it! “You can say something like you don’t really know social media well and all that!” I told Sarah. “What would you say to the same situation if I was a social media manager?” she shot back. “You’re not, that’s what matters!” I said and we burst out laughing.

Here’s a Mother’s Day quote that I chanced upon: “Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.”

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Editor, 123Greetings

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