Never Let The Essence Fade Away

The doorbell rang. It was six in the morning. Aaliyah and I were wrapped in each other’s arms. Giving me a peck on the left cheek she said, “Bob, please open the door.” A kiss always works, no matter what! When I opened the door, I was shocked. It was Adrian. Drenched in sweat, he looked perturbed. I was not expecting to see him at that point of the hour. Especially because he had a flight at 4 a.m. that morning.

“Did you again miss the flight as usual?” I asked. He tossed his backpack on the couch and gave a helpless stare. “Yes! May is furious now. She has stopped responding to my calls. This long-distance marriage is getting difficult for us now,” he said. Adrian is a nice guy. However, he has a casual approach to the majority of things in life. He always needs a little push. I knew my friend needed some motivation.

“I dozed off Bob as I was working till late at night. I forgot to put an alarm. It was May’s call that woke me up, but by that time it was too late. I rushed to the airport but failed,” he expressed.

Aaliyah was awake by then. She served us a coffee. As the everyday ritual goes, she started watering the flowers in our balcony. It’s the season of July flowers. Our balcony looks so vibrant. Waking up to the sweet and pure fragrance in the morning is such a bliss.

“You see those flowers, Adrian? They look beautiful, don’t they? I asked. “Yes Bob, they do but why are you showing them to me now? Please help me,” he replied.  “As flowers wither without proper sunlight and water, the spark of a relationship also dwindles without proper effort and care,” I expressed.

He gave me a blank look. I sat beside him. “A long-distance marriage requires an equal amount of effort and understanding. You cannot expect May to be always forgiving. Don’t let your laid-back approach diminish the essence of your relationship,” I explained.

“Bob is right, Adrian. You both are miles apart yet she has never failed to showcase her love for you. She too keeps busy but she knows how to balance things out and attend to her priorities,” said Aaliyah.

“You both are right. I need to handle things with care and diligence. It’s the least I can do,” he replied. He hugged me. We immediately arranged for tickets in the next available flight.

He called up May. “Sorry, my love. I am catching the next flight and coming to you. I love you,” He expressed. She melted and her temper disappeared. “Come fast, I’m waiting,” she replied.

It is never easy to pull off a long-distance marriage. Sitting in two different countries, there will be ups and downs. However, living apart helps you to value each other more and stay together for a lifetime. Reluctance can pave the way for more misunderstandings and difficulties. Make sure to know your priorities and attend to them. Never let things fall apart. If you are blessed with a loving partner then give your utmost devotion to make it work smoothly. Keep loving each other amidst all odds always!

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