Someone Is There For Me

A warm evening, both Donna and I were at Smorgasburg Street devouring brick oven pizza and soft garlic pretzel breadsticks. We were enjoying the skyline view when Donna’s phone beeped. It was a message. She turned pale after reading the message. “Bob, just excuse me for once,” she blurted and rushed to the corner.

I could see that Donna was arguing with someone on the phone. She looked petrified but went on with the person. I waited, sauntering here and there with the last slice of pizza. As soon as she hung up, she came back to where I was standing. She looked devastated. Her eyes moist, her face red. “Hey Donna, all okay?  What happened?” I asked. “Bob!” she cried. She burst into tears covering her face.

“Okay let’s head back home,” I said. We took a cab and went to her place. I gave her a glass of water. She was still disoriented. I let her settle down. “Bob, David is not interested in me, he wants to call it off now,” she cried. David is Donna’s love interest whom she is seeing for the past two months. “I did so much to be with this man. After such a long time I trusted someone and now he calls me up only to say that it should stop wherever it is. Why Bob? Why?” she went on. She was in a state of disbelief. “Did he commit to you?” I asked. “No. We never had this conversation and I thought he loved me,” she replied.

Donna was disillusioned and needed a reality check. “Just because you feel for him that doesn’t mean you are the one for him and vice versa,” I replied. Casually going around with someone is just to test waters. Unless both the people involved want to commit to each other nothing else should be expected out of it. Love can be one-sided and detached from expectations, but the relationship is two-sided. “Stop chasing the person. You can never force someone to fall for you.” I said.

Donna looked at me. Her eyes still gave a tormented stare. Hug Week is here. A hug helps to heal. I could not see her agonized anymore. Hugging her tightly I said, “The person who is going to love and be with you will be there anyway. You do not have to run after someone seeking love. Let the right man and the right time come.” She hugged me and cried for some time. Then wiping her tears she said, “You’re right Bob. I am yet to get the man of my life.”   

Felt so attracted to someone that started imposing yourself on that person even before he or she was ready? There is no room for any assumption without a proper dialogue. When you share your true feelings, see how the other person reciprocates. If the person is not into you, then it is best to let that person go respect the other person’s choice and decision. Don’t rush or lose hope. Someone is there for you. Wait for the right time!  Till then give a loving big hug to yourself!

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