Not Alone In This

Fireworks, parades, fairs, concerts, picnics barbecues, political speeches, and ceremonies, we are all geared up for 4th of July, the Independence Day commemoration. Big Apple has synced in the celebratory spree.  Aaliyah and I feel more connected to the celebrations this year. Especially because we have a responsibility on our shoulder this time. It perfectly aligns with the spirit of this significant day.

Mrs. Bradley’s younger son, Jim, is going through a hard time. The company with which he was working had to wind up. He is unemployed for the past four months. He has tried but is not getting any positive response from anywhere. Mrs. Bradley came up to me last week and said, “Bob, my son is all morose. Sleepless nights all alone there in Ohio. He is in a complete mess.” “It is obvious for him to behave and feel that way, Mrs. Bradley. Don’t worry. I will try to make him feel better,” I replied.

I called him up. Mrs. Bradley was right. He sounded low and worried. I know Jim for the past eight years now. Jim has always been a happy soul. An adventurous travel freak. He has always been the heart and soul of every gathering by far. I explained to Mrs. Bradley that he is in a vulnerable state. He needs our support and encouragement. This situation demands our prudence. We have to make him feel that he is not alone in this. We all are there fighting together. We are there to help him.  

We will bring Jim here in NYC and take care of him. We will not let him be alone till he gets his new job and feels better. We will all look for opportunities where he can apply. I have asked Donna, Megan and Adrian to assist in this. The challenging situation will be faced together. We have a plan to watch great movies, followed by a musical evening and then a barbecue dinner on this day. Being with the near and loved ones in such hard time gives a boost. This will uplift his life condition providing him with mental strength.

There is something to learn from each event in history. The 4th of July shows the spirit of brotherhood and wise efforts which has laid the foundation of our great nation. The document of common visions and missions of thirteen colonies inscribed by Thomas Jefferson and his committee led to the Declaration of Independence. It shows that when we all stand up and battle together for a common cause with full determination, we win. Together we can move mountains.

During crisis our world crumbles down. The inner courage to face the tough situation becomes dormant. Fear, anxiety and helplessness creeps in. At such phase, it’s crucial to lend a helping hand of mental and emotional support to the person. Showcasing your genuine love and care will revive his lost strength. It will pave the way for him to bounce back. It becomes a lot easier for them to achieve their goal. Sharing someone’s sorrow reduces their pain and being a part of their joy multiplies it. It is the very essence of human relationships. The spirit of communion feels splendid.  Helping one another helps the community to grow at large. So it’s time to make others happy!

Share with us how you have helped someone to combat their hard times and made them feel happy!

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