Dear 123Greetings subscriber,
Hey !!! Santa Bob’s back with his sack of goodies ! Let me, this time, take you through the various shades of Love and Faith ! And Fun ! Humor Month starts the travel light, but as we go along, we venture into Holy Thursday, moving on to Good Friday, and the journey comes to its rightful end on the Resurrection Day, Easter !
Humor Month [ April ]
Vhrooom ! Screeeech !! Skeeeeee !!! Oh ! It was fantastic the way Boss’ hair stood on end when he heard that sound coming from the restroom ! You know what ? Ron’s jus’ recorded the sound of Rick’s car screeching to a halt and is using it as his ring-tone ! Guess the Crazy Bug’s hit him at last ! Of course, it doesn’t stop with Ron… Guess who joined the party? My own doggie Kong ! Wondering how ?! Well, you should visit my street sometime… Ask me why !? ‘Coz my street has the best riders in town, courtesy Kong ! He’s their coach… Oh yeah ! He chases anything that has wheels instead of legs and the funky punks try their maximum gear and wear the tire all through my street… But hey, April’s the Humor Month, so what the heck… We all can have our share of fun, right ? You have a whole month to go crazy, guys ! So let your hair down ‘n enjoy to your fill ! This month, buddies, Every Day is Fun Day !
Lady Luck Day [ Apr 5 ]
When you trip and fall it could either be in the drain or on a $100 bill ! Well, that depends on your luck. And as Mrs. Bradley next-door says, “the more you wish someone heartfelt Good Luck, the more they are going to receive some !” I wish and pray that Steve sights the UFO. No kidding guys, the geeky-genius deserves his dreams to come true ! So what you waiting for ? Move in, indulge, and wish everybody Happy Lady Luck Day !
International Fun At Work Day [ Apr 5 ]
Ouch !!! Owww ! Brrrrrr… Talk about Office humor ! Getting hit by a snowball in spring is no fun, I tell you ! And that too right when you put your foot in office ! I’ll get even with that Ron if that’s the last thing I do; that’s a promise ! What’s the world coming to, I ask you !? As if putting a placard over your desk that it’s International Fun At Work Day explains everything ! What happened to good ol’ fashioned decency ? Hmmm… I wonder where he got hold of that artificial ice… Owww ! Brrrrrr… Grrrrrrr !!! But hey, as they say, “Hard work killed nobody, but why take a chance ?” That’s Ron’s philosophy and the lovable weirdo needs no encouragement to cut loose and have his share of fun ! Hmm… poor me, the prey for his antics when he does what he does best, having fun at work !
Good Friday [ Apr 6 ]
Good Friday to me is a day of introspection, remembrance, and prayer ! And yes, it is also a day of hope ! The moral being that no matter how bleak things may seem sometimes, we can always rise from the ashes like a phoenix and forge ahead. Of course, the Psalms, Stories, and the Word of Christ are not just to read and rote; but as my ol’ man says, “I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, but I do and I understand !” Express your warmest wishes for Good Friday to your friends and family. Do wish everyone a blessed Good Friday with the Lord’s Prayer. Amen !
Tutor Appreciation Day [ Apr 7 ]
I remember my Math tutor Susan asking me, “Try taking 10 out of 100 as many times as possible and gimme the answer.” And me promptly replied, “Ma’am I tried around 20 times but I could get only 90 all the time !” And she went “Bob ! If you sum and subtract the way you do, you will find more eggs in your mark-sheet than in your kitchen !” But guess what, she tutored and molded me and when I sit, account it right and get paid for it, I feel guilty. I haven’t thanked her yet ! But fortunately, Tutor Appreciation Day is around the corner and methinks she deserves a big hug and a heart-felt “Thank you !” Stacked in our pages are the cards that would lighten the day for your precious tutors; send them and let the good ol’ folks know how important they are !
Let Someone Else Clean Day [ Apr 7 ]
Hmmmph !!! Who says Let Someone Else Clean Day is supposed to be fun ? It’s no clean humor, I can tell you that ! I remember last time our resident foodaholic Ron strewing chocolate, chips, and biscuit wrappers all over the place and poor me ended up with a cluttered desk ! When I pointed it out to him, the only reaction I got was a finger pointed at the calendar ! Don’t squeal on me, but I’ve picked up on the idea and am going to sneakily transfer my files to Donna’s table this time. God help me if she ever catches on ! (wink wink**)
Easter [ Apr 8 ]
Did I tell you what happened last year this time ? What fun we had ! My sis Becky had come over with her kids just before Easter Sunday ‘n we were having a great time together… On Saturday night, Becky and I hid half a dozen chocolate Easter eggs all over the house and in the garden. George and Rachel, for their part, left out carrots for the Easter bunny. Imagine our horror the following morning when we found that the eggs had all vanished without a trace ! The kids didn’t have a clue, of course. They were too busy with their hunt. But the rest of us were at our wit’s end ! Only when Grampa found Kong ‘n’ Pirate sick on the terrace were we able to unravel the mystery of the vanishing eggs ! Both the dogs are choc-junkies and they’d had a feast all night ! Well, it was damage-control time and as you know, Bob’s at his best when things go wrong ! (Ahem !) Anyway, I rushed out and got the replacements before you could say ‘bunny’… And saved the day ! Nah ! Not gonna repeat the mistake this time, though. I’ve got plastic eggs filled with jellybean for the kids to find. As for the pooches, they’ll find these eggs pretty hard nuts to crack !
Siblings Day [ Apr 10 ]
Kong turned a turncoat fellas ! Don’t believe me ? ! Hmmm… no sooner did my sis Becky came home to visit, Kong switched sides promptly ! No heartbreak there for me, of course ! She gets to walk him every night these days ! And yeah, the pillow fights have begun and I lose all the time; ending up looking like Santa what with all the sponge on my face. I do retaliate, you know, but my scuds (pillows) are blocked by her defender and my one-time buddy, grrrrrrr… dodgy-doggy Kong, and I left to retreat grudgingly. But tell you what, after the fun, we sit for a heart-to-heart confessing-time and share the recent crushes and bad days ! She’ll be gone in a few days and I‘d be left with a room in my heart so void that nothing could fill, but our memories ! I’m going to buy her that high-collar white dress that she’s had her eyes on for a long time. Sure thing, she would look a wrapped-up gift from God, and she deserves it on this Siblings Day. So what are you waiting for, chums ? Move in and select the delectable goodies from here and have a fun-filled day.
Cheese Fondue Day [ Apr 11 ]
Slurrrrp ! Forgive me, folks ! Can’t help it ! Just the thought of hot melted cheese with wine ‘n bread is enough to send me to Swiss heaven ! But my awesome pawsome Kong is the real die-hard Cheese Fondue fan out here ! Last time on Cheese Fondue Day, he parked himself in front of the kitchen and I wasn’t able to lure him away even with chocolates ! Beat that !!! But hey, don’t let just the thought tickle you; forget the dieticians and pamper yourself silly with this gourmet’s delight on it’s day !
Editor, 123Greetings