Reconnecting On This International Friendship Week

It was Wednesday! Aaliyah and I were sharing some old and crazy stories from our school days. Yummy pepperoni pizza and white sauce pasta were taking care of filling our tummies. Kong was busy with his new toy. My phone rang and it was an unknown number.

“Hello!” I answered. “Jersey number 4 and 5…practice at 4 o clock…chicken cheeseburger…” the voice from the other end replied. “Phil?” I asked. “Yes, Bob! It’s me! Phil! He replied. “How have you been? I can’t believe I am hearing from you after so long!” I expressed. “I’m good. How about you?” He asked.

Phil and I were close friends during our high school days. We were in the same Basketball team and never missed a single practice session. We lost touch after school when we both moved out of SoCal for higher studies. I wondered if it was telepathy that made him call me after years especially on that day. I was overjoyed.

“Believe it or not, I was just talking about our school days to my girlfriend!” I expressed.

“I miss those days Bob! Especially the burgers right after the match! You remember Joey? I married her, and now I am blessed with two beautiful daughters!” He expressed. I shared with him about me and Aaliyah. We both were so happy to talk after ages!

“I am here in NYC for a few weeks, so let’s catch up?” He asked.

International Friendship Week is here! Let’s meet at my place in the coming week?” I expressed.

“Wow! What better way to celebrate our friendship? I’ll be there with my family! See you!” He replied and then we hung up.

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What!” You Too? I thought I was the only one. – C. S. Lewis. That’s how Phil and my friendship started too!

I can’t contain the excitement for the coming week! It will be a long walk down the memory lane together when we meet. Our conversation will go on for hours! I’m sure our jaws will ache out of laughter! What else do you expect from two old friends who are meeting after so long? It will be another memorable day that will be added to my list.

Tell me how it felt when you reconnected with an old friend after years? Also, share with me your plans for International Friendship Week!

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